TaylorSandlin.com@wordpress.com Day 51: Lift your eyes

Greetings Taylor.

You wrote: [[[“””What the words originally meant is always primary, but it’s hardly the only way God speaks to us. Take for instance the connections one passage makes with other parts of the scriptures. One can’t read Isaiah without thinking of Christ. He is the son Immanuel, the Light that has dawned, the King that rules in righteousness. We read from one page, but God speaks from the totality of the book.”””]]]

Absurd. The Greek\Roman son of Zeus has no part with taking Israel out of Egypt, much less so the 1st Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.

You opened with Isaiah 40:1-8, most probably the basis for your first time preaching experience. First and foremost, the Hebrew T’NaCH has no chapters and verses. The Hebrew T’NaCH its organized around sugiot. All Xtian translations of their bible – created in their own image. These tumah books of avodah zarah expunge the Name revealed in the 1st Commandment of Sinai which the church whore of Babylon totally rejects, and never accepted.

Aaron, the elder brother, he erred and translated the Name revealed in the 1st Commandment of Sinai to the word אלהים. This error the Torah refers to as the sin of the golden calf. Torah learns by way of משל\נמשל. The language ‘golden calf’, serves as but only a משל\\metaphor. Worlds separate reading words as found in Torah books from learning Torah mussar commandments. Whether a student studies the T’NaCH sealed Canon. ((Sealed long before the Greek\Roman new testament forgery)); or a student studies the Oral Torah revelation – as codified in the Talmud, likewise sealed by Rav Ashi and Rav Ravina in about 450 CE. (Sealed long after Ezra and the Men of the Great Assembly sealed the literature of the T’NaCH books). All students of both T’NaCH and Talmud know that learning a page of any Primary source (as opposed to secondary source commentaries or later apocrypha books similar to the new testament counterfeit “scripture”), require that students make the required נמשל דיוקים\interpretive inferences.

Why do all Torah and Talmud students stand on this precise יסוד\foundation/? That learning these Primary sources absolutely requires from them that they accept the obligation to make the required נמשל דיוקים. The abomination of the Xtian religion of avodah zarah, never for a single second stood upon this יסוד of Torah acceptance and faith as an eternal sworn oath obligation. Non bnai brit Goyim never accepted the Torah at Sinai. And how much more so their church leaders throughout the generations; they denied the revelation of the Oral Torah on Horev שמות לד:ו,ז.

Worlds separate and differentiate between Oral Torah logic and Court rulings of halachah\LAW. Yet the new testament counterfeit errs precisely on this very יסוד. It confuses Torah commandments which command mussar, with courtroom legal rulings of halachah\LAW. Such a huge blunder made by the alien foreigners who penned the new testament counterfeit, the magnitude of such an error compares only to translating the revelation of the Spirit Name as commanded in the first Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai to words; comparable to Aaron who made this exact error when he translated the Name unto אלהים. The Torah revelation at Sinai refers to this avodah zarah through the משל known as the ‘Golden Calf’.

All Xtian bibles of avodah zarah, duplicate the sin of the golden calf משל. Words like YHVH, Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, Allah — all duplications of the משל sin of the golden calf. The new testament forgery repeatedly employs the ‘holy spirit’ metaphor, which later theologians elevated unto the Trinity dogma of avodah zarah. רוח הקודש, this term exists only as a משל. The נמשל of this משל – the Oral Torah middot Spirit Names for HaShem, first revealed at Horev after the Sinai revelation. The book of the gospel of John opened with the golden calf error by declaring the Word is God. Words have tremendous difficulty describing colors. Neither words, nor human lips can pronounce the Name of HaShem first revealed at Sinai. This error יסודי\fundamental, the Xtian church religion of avodah zarah never perceived, not in 2000+ years.

The Talmud codification of Oral Torah law, codified in about 450 CE obviously came long after Ezra and the Men of the Great Assembly sealed the T’NaCH Books in the early years of the 2nd Commonwealth. Talmud stands upon the יסוד of the T’NaCH literature, and not the reverse – as the counterfeit church authorities slander continuously the chosen Cohen nation. The blood libel slanders, common throughout the Middle Ages, springs forth from this יסוד; that church leadership continually confused Oral Torah logic with law. The church perversion throughout its long history of murder and bloodshed has confused ‘the Law’ with Torah commandments which command mussar. All T’NaCH prophets command mussar. Mussar defines the meaning of the word prophesy. This key Torah definition which defines all prophetic commandments, the counterfeit church abomination has never perceived in 2000+ years.

None of the Books of the T’NaCH originally contained chapters and verses. The church created their bibles of avodah zarah in their own image. They expunged the Order of sugiot and replaced this Order with an alien worship, organized around chapters and verses. Church confusion over the distinction between the revelation of the Oral Torah logic at Horev with the codification of Oral Torah laws, sealed thousands of years later has tremendous consequences. The Talmud follows the precedent established by the T’NaCH codification. Rabbi Yechudah’s Mishna, published in 210 CE, a common law code of judicial rulings of halachah\LAW. The style employed by the Mishna, Case//Rule. The Mishna employs the method, as duplicated by all other judicial courts systems, throughout human history, whose courts exist as Common Law courtrooms. Common law stands upon the יסוד of precedents.

The Gemarah “commentary” made upon the Mishna, in its turn employs a style of difficulty\answer. Why? The Gemarah learns the Case\Rule Mishna by way of bringing precedents. The difficulty\answer style of the Gemarah either validates or rejects possible precedents to “understand” (בינה defined as משל – learning a matter in the midst of other matters\נמשל distinguishing between like and like) the k’vanna/intent of the Case\Rule of Rabbi Yechudah’s Mishna. The much later Talmud stands upon the יסוד of the much earlier T’NaCH common law system.

The T’NaCH organized by and through the Order of sugiot! T’NaCH common law learns\נמשל//it makes the required דיוקים/inferences by comparing sugiot with similar or contrasting sugiot. This compare & contrast learning goes by the משל of learning the Torah לשמה. The opening Mishna of גיטין\divorce/ teaches that Jews in g’lut/exile\ had lost the skill/wisdom\ to learn the Torah and keep the mitzvot commandments לשמה. The counterfeit Xtian abomination which worships the golden calf, never – not even for a day – ever obeyed the Name of HaShem לשמה.

Three sugiot contain your “key verses” Isaiah 40:1-8. A precedent to “understand” the mussar which the prophet commands, 3 different sugiot ישעיה כו:טז – כז:יא. The mussar of the prophet, did not just rebuke the folk of his day, this mussar rebukes all who worship and kiss the golden calf.

Let’s bring a 2nd witness, because all cases of דיני נפשות\\Capital Crimes Cases// requires no less than two witnesses. מלכים א יב:א-כד. King David, all other anointed kings as Moshiach stand by the precedent of his service to do and obey the mitzvot לשמה. The church abomination, never for even a single day has ever obeyed HaShem לשמה. For 2000+ years the church has kissed the golden calf avodah zarah abomination, yet called themselves ‘the new Israel’. HaShem brought a curse upon king Shlomo for his avodah zarah and destroyed his kingdom. HaShem shall not likewise judge the church, guilty of the Shoah – the systematic extermination of the Jewish people, the starvation, torture and cruel murder of 75% of European Jewry in less than four years?

23 thoughts on “TaylorSandlin.com@wordpress.com Day 51: Lift your eyes

    1. Daniel M. Klem a simple man of God@wordpress.com VerseD: Amose 5:24

      First order of business. The Hebrew T’NaCH contains no chapters and verses. This fundamental perversion of the T’NaCH came at the arrogant hands of the idiotic biblical translators who “converted” the Bible into their own image. All Bible translations – evil avodah zarah. Church idolatry (an incredibly bad translation for avodah zarah), [but this response speaks in the language of non bnai brit Goyim]. {Goyim a term of respect. Pagan\heathen Xtian terms of contempt}.

      The fools of the Xtian church, arbitrarily decided that imposing foreign chapters and verses upon the Books of the T’NaCH best served their evil cherry picking of verses propaganda rhetoric. Joseph Goebbels most probably learned his trade of propaganda corruption from reading the Xtian new testament. The Nazis clearly based their ‘Final Solution’ for European Jewry upon clear Xtian precedents of oppression violence and murder. Cain beget many evil & wicked children, who continued his tradition and filled the world with oppression bloodshed slander and courtroom injustice perpetuated by State salaried Judges.

      No European govern ever directed its Judges to try the Xtian church for war crimes committed against humanity. A disgrace which proves that Europe as a civilization – utter barbarians and savages, who preach morality but impose violence oppression and death upon the subject dark skinned inferior races; these pathetic unfortunate morons require imposed rule and order of the superior White Race. Like Leopold II’s just rule over the Niggers of the Congo – first established, by the love of JeZeus – in 1885. רשעים have no shame, coupled with very short memories by ensuing generations of the atrocity war crimes committed against mankind by their leaders.

      No European court ever tried, much less so, imprisoned that רשע. No European court ever forced Belgium to pay war crime compensations to the People of the Congo. But Xtian Beastiality continues to preach the preach that JeZeus saves. The slaughter of the natives from Africa to the New World, the Pacific Islands – Indochina to China, gawd damned church arrogance continues to piously sing hymns from their hymnals, as if war crimes ever committed. JeZeus saves,,, the church walks the walk,,, it goes from genocide to genocide, generation after generation – all in the name of love.

      Oral Torah logic as opposed to halachic law established by Jewish courtrooms, learns the sealed Masoret\traditions through the sh’itta\methodology known as common law. Common law stands upon the יסוד of precedents. The word יסוד, contains סוד\\hidden kabbalah. No one cans see the foundation upon which a building stands. When learning a minor prophet, the search to understand the mussar instruction which all prophets command, requires cross referencing that sugia of the minor prophet with similar sugiot in the major prophets. Learning a Case through precedents defines the sh’itta methodology of all common law throughout history in all societies to this day. Societies which lack – the rule of law – know anarchy, chaos, and Civil War.

      The sugia which contains your cherry picked verse עמוס ה:יח-כז. A very strong mussar which denounces the Xtian idolatry which preaches the second coming of JeZeus and the end of days. Let’s learn. Learning prophetic Primary sources – Day and Night different – from reading prophetic Primary sources. ירמיה ד:ט-כא. When ever a court places a רשע into נדוי\excommunication/, the court makes the din of their ruling public by blowing the shofar. The blowing of the shofar, it likewise defines ‘Yom HaDin upon the Brit’, otherwise known as the Yom Tov of Rosh HaShanna. When bnai brit hear the call of the shofar, dread fills their hearts comparable when the chosen Cohen nation first heard the call of the Shofar during the revelation of HaShem at Sinai.

      דיני נפשות\\Capital Crimes cases requires no less than two witnesses. The war crimes committed by the church through the generations of mankind stand on trial. שופטים ז:ט-יח, the 2nd witness called to testify. The Court of Israel blows the shofar against the רשע ‘whore of Babylon’.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Most certainly attempted to give you a clear explanation.

      A second attempt through another similar response:

      Daniel M. Klem a simple man of God@wordpress.com VerseD: Amose 5:24

      First order of business. The Hebrew T’NaCH contains no chapters and verses. This fundamental perversion of the T’NaCH came at the arrogant hands of the idiotic biblical translators who “converted” the Bible into their own image. All Bible translations – evil avodah zarah. Church idolatry (an incredibly bad translation for avodah zarah), [but this response speaks in the language of non bnai brit Goyim]. {Goyim a term of respect. Pagan\heathen Xtian terms of contempt}.

      The fools of the Xtian church, arbitrarily decided that imposing foreign chapters and verses upon the Books of the T’NaCH best served their evil cherry picking of verses propaganda rhetoric. Joseph Goebbels most probably learned his trade of propaganda corruption from reading the Xtian new testament. The Nazis clearly based their ‘Final Solution’ for European Jewry upon clear Xtian precedents of oppression violence and murder. Cain beget many evil & wicked children, who continued his tradition and filled the world with oppression bloodshed slander and courtroom injustice perpetuated by State salaried Judges.

      No European govern ever directed its Judges to try the Xtian church for war crimes committed against humanity. A disgrace which proves that Europe as a civilization – utter barbarians and savages, who preach morality but impose violence oppression and death upon the subject dark skinned inferior races; these pathetic unfortunate morons require imposed rule and order of the superior White Race. Like Leopold II’s just rule over the Niggers of the Congo – first established, by the love of JeZeus – in 1885. רשעים have no shame, coupled with very short memories by ensuing generations of the atrocity war crimes committed against mankind by their leaders.

      No European court ever tried, much less so, imprisoned that רשע. No European court ever forced Belgium to pay war crime compensations to the People of the Congo. But Xtian Beastiality continues to preach the preach that JeZeus saves. The slaughter of the natives from Africa to the New World, the Pacific Islands – Indochina to China, gawd damned church arrogance continues to piously sing hymns from their hymnals, as if war crimes ever committed. JeZeus saves,,, the church walks the walk,,, it goes from genocide to genocide, generation after generation – all in the name of love.

      Oral Torah logic as opposed to halachic law established by Jewish courtrooms, learns the sealed Masoret\traditions through the sh’itta\methodology known as common law. Common law stands upon the יסוד of precedents. The word יסוד, contains סוד\\hidden kabbalah. No one cans see the foundation upon which a building stands. When learning a minor prophet, the search to understand the mussar instruction which all prophets command, requires cross referencing that sugia of the minor prophet with similar sugiot in the major prophets. Learning a Case through precedents defines the sh’itta methodology of all common law throughout history in all societies to this day. Societies which lack – the rule of law – know anarchy, chaos, and Civil War.

      The sugia which contains your cherry picked verse עמוס ה:יח-כז. A very strong mussar which denounces the Xtian idolatry which preaches the second coming of JeZeus and the end of days. Let’s learn. Learning prophetic Primary sources – Day and Night different – from reading prophetic Primary sources. ירמיה ד:ט-כא. When ever a court places a רשע into נדוי\excommunication/, the court makes the din of their ruling public by blowing the shofar. The blowing of the shofar, it likewise defines ‘Yom HaDin upon the Brit’, otherwise known as the Yom Tov of Rosh HaShanna. When bnai brit hear the call of the shofar, dread fills their hearts comparable when the chosen Cohen nation first heard the call of the Shofar during the revelation of HaShem at Sinai.

      דיני נפשות\\Capital Crimes cases requires no less than two witnesses. The war crimes committed by the church through the generations of mankind stand on trial. שופטים ז:ט-יח, the 2nd witness called to testify. The Court of Israel blows the shofar against the רשע ‘whore of Babylon’.


    2. Why did your answer fail to answer my question? Because it doesn’t address what I asked. In fact, it really doesn’t say anything at all. But I already know the answer, so it doesn’t matter.


      1. I do not know nor understand your response. I asked you to clarify your question for me, to assist me to understand what you asked. This request, ignored.



    Liked by 2 people

  2. DAWN PISTURINO, ISAIAH 53 Verse 10 Yet it was the will of the Lord to bruise him, he has put him to grief, when HE MAKES HIMSELF an offering for sin.
    ( The punishment of JeZeus was the will of G-D. Who are we to question the will of G-D? We should NOT question
    the will of G-D. JeZeus sacraficed himself. He was a Rabbi and he no doubt knew the Scriptures. Please read Psalm 22 vs16 + yea, dogs are round about me, a company of evildoers encircle me, they have pierced my hands and feet, and for my raiment they cast lots. (meaning… the Romans gambled for his clothes)
    This is from the Psalms of King David. JeZeus sacraficed himself. He knew what would happen to him when he blew into Jerusalem and raised a lot of hell. Arguably he killed himself fulfilling scripture.
    I have never been able to understand why Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus. Romans….I could understand but neither are true. Jesus was fulfilling scripture.
    Just my humble opinion.
    We can not go against the will of G-D.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daniel M. Klem a simple man of God@wordpress.com VerseD: Amose 5:24

      First order of business. The Hebrew T’NaCH contains no chapters and verses. This fundamental perversion of the T’NaCH came at the arrogant hands of the idiotic biblical translators who “converted” the Bible into their own image. All Bible translations – evil avodah zarah. Church idolatry (an incredibly bad translation for avodah zarah), [but this response speaks in the language of non bnai brit Goyim]. {Goyim a term of respect. Pagan\heathen Xtian terms of contempt}.

      The fools of the Xtian church, arbitrarily decided that imposing foreign chapters and verses upon the Books of the T’NaCH best served their evil cherry picking of verses propaganda rhetoric. Joseph Goebbels most probably learned his trade of propaganda corruption from reading the Xtian new testament. The Nazis clearly based their ‘Final Solution’ for European Jewry upon clear Xtian precedents of oppression violence and murder. Cain beget many evil & wicked children, who continued his tradition and filled the world with oppression bloodshed slander and courtroom injustice perpetuated by State salaried Judges.

      No European govern ever directed its Judges to try the Xtian church for war crimes committed against humanity. A disgrace which proves that Europe as a civilization – utter barbarians and savages, who preach morality but impose violence oppression and death upon the subject dark skinned inferior races; these pathetic unfortunate morons require imposed rule and order of the superior White Race. Like Leopold II’s just rule over the Niggers of the Congo – first established, by the love of JeZeus – in 1885. רשעים have no shame, coupled with very short memories by ensuing generations of the atrocity war crimes committed against mankind by their leaders.

      No European court ever tried, much less so, imprisoned that רשע. No European court ever forced Belgium to pay war crime compensations to the People of the Congo. But Xtian Beastiality continues to preach the preach that JeZeus saves. The slaughter of the natives from Africa to the New World, the Pacific Islands – Indochina to China, gawd damned church arrogance continues to piously sing hymns from their hymnals, as if war crimes ever committed. JeZeus saves,,, the church walks the walk,,, it goes from genocide to genocide, generation after generation – all in the name of love.

      Oral Torah logic as opposed to halachic law established by Jewish courtrooms, learns the sealed Masoret\traditions through the sh’itta\methodology known as common law. Common law stands upon the יסוד of precedents. The word יסוד, contains סוד\\hidden kabbalah. No one cans see the foundation upon which a building stands. When learning a minor prophet, the search to understand the mussar instruction which all prophets command, requires cross referencing that sugia of the minor prophet with similar sugiot in the major prophets. Learning a Case through precedents defines the sh’itta methodology of all common law throughout history in all societies to this day. Societies which lack – the rule of law – know anarchy, chaos, and Civil War.

      The sugia which contains your cherry picked verse עמוס ה:יח-כז. A very strong mussar which denounces the Xtian idolatry which preaches the second coming of JeZeus and the end of days. Let’s learn. Learning prophetic Primary sources – Day and Night different – from reading prophetic Primary sources. ירמיה ד:ט-כא. When ever a court places a רשע into נדוי\excommunication/, the court makes the din of their ruling public by blowing the shofar. The blowing of the shofar, it likewise defines ‘Yom HaDin upon the Brit’, otherwise known as the Yom Tov of Rosh HaShanna. When bnai brit hear the call of the shofar, dread fills their hearts comparable when the chosen Cohen nation first heard the call of the Shofar during the revelation of HaShem at Sinai.

      דיני נפשות\\Capital Crimes cases requires no less than two witnesses. The war crimes committed by the church through the generations of mankind stand on trial. שופטים ז:ט-יח, the 2nd witness called to testify. The Court of Israel blows the shofar against the רשע ‘whore of Babylon’.


      1. According to the Jewish Study Bible, published by the Jewish Publication Society, Tanakh Translation, Isaiah is a complex prophetic book, “and we cannot be sure whether the passage predicts crucial events that will take place in the future or meditates on events that have already come to pass.” Chapters 40-66 “were composed during and after the Babylonian exile in the 6th century” B.C. and are referred to as “Second Isaiah.” Ch. 54-66 may have been written by a third prophet or group of prophets (Third Isaiah). While chapters 40-53 reflect a sense of hope, chapters 54-66 represent a “sense of disappointment.” Isaiah upholds that “the God of Israel is still powerful and still loyal to the people” of Israel; . . . “only one God exists . . . and brings redemption.” Isaiah prophesizes about a new era, a messianic era, an era ruled by God. “Chs 49-57: Prophecies concerning Zion and the renewal of the community there.” Verses 52.13-53.12: “One of the most difficult and contested passages in the Bible.” The verses describe Israel and its sufferings. . . . but Targum and various midrashim identify the servant as the Messiah . . . Christians have argued that this passage in fact predicts the coming of Jesus.” However, nobody knows for certain what these passages mean, and the Servant may have been Judea, a subsect of people in Judea, or an individual who “suffered along with the guilty, even though he himself did not share in the guilt of his fellow Israelites.” To automatically write off Jesus as false is not consistent with the scholarship. Jesus was Jewish. The Apostles were Jewish. The New Testament was written by Jews. They certainly would have been aware of Isaiah. Thank you.


      2. The Book of Isaiah probably the most difficult Book in the T’NaCH, more difficult than Tehillem. Hard nut to crack but most definitely not imposible … if you know how to learn.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Isaiah speaks almost like poety. The Books of Tehillem\psalms likewise for the same reason – very difficult to read in the original Hebrew. However, my rav had me read 18 chapters of T’NaCH every day, finished it every 51 days. The Torah, its broken down due to the Shabbot Readings, each Parsha has 7 aliyot (people called up to read from the Torah on Shabbot), each day would read all the first, or second, or third etc., aliyot respectively within the whole of the Torah. Hence would completely read the Torah every 49 days.

        In this manner I learned Hebrew. Then I applied this same technique to the Aramaic targum (translations). Within a year could read the T’NaCH & the Aramaic like as if it existed on par with an English news paper. At which point Rav Nemuraskii only then introduced me to the Midrashim. During my cycle of reading T’NaCH, learned together with Rav Nemuraskii hilchot shabbot from the Misnah Bruer (a 20th Century commentary on the Shulkan Aruch … a commentary on the Arbah Turim. The author of the Tur, the son of the Rosh. The Rosh one of the greatest Talmudic scholars in all of Western European g’lut\exile

        The first time Rav Nemuraskii and myself sat and learned the Talmud Bavli (a 20 volume code), we completed it in about 4 months. Cycling through the Sha’s (Six orders to the Mishna ) Bavli (Babylonian Talmud), would learn about 20 pages every day. The Bavli its based upon common law. Common law learns by way of precedents. Therefore by cycling through the Sha’s Bavli, completed the reading cycle in about 4 months. In this fashion, fairly quickly familiarized myself with the Cases in the whole of the Sha’s Bavli. Cycling through the Sha’s, after about 4 to 5 years of this, only then did thereafter did Rav Nemuraskii demand that i learn each page of Gemarah (the commentary to the Mishna) by bringing precedents, duplicating the style of how the Gemarah learns the Mishna.

        At that time started exploring how the classic Reshonim (950 – 1450 CE) learned Gemarah. The Baali Tosafot (about 60 scholars in total, the grand children of Rashi), the French school of Talmudic scholarship, they learned by way of comparing outside precedents. When the Tosafot went off the dof\page of Gemarah/immediately familiar with the precedent that commentary introduced to compare that outside halachah to the current dof of Gemarah which Rav Nemuraskii and myself learned. Needless to say, of all the Reshonim scholars, the Baali Tosafot hands down my favorite.

        Then came the B’hag, Rif, Rosh halachic commentaries. If a person understands that the Bavli exists as a common law system of law, then and only then do these halachic commentaries reveal their absolute genius. Common law compares legal Case rulings/halachot to a specific Case\Rule Mishna — something like a mamma bird and her chicks. The Talmud employs a Difficulty\Answer style throughout the Sha’s Bavli. It does not decide which of the “tens” of outside precedents by which it compares halachot to a specific case rule Mishna. The halachic codes made by the B’hag, Rif, & Rosh halachic commentaries – these Great poskim\deciders/, by their authority they reduced from multiple 10s to single digits the compared halachot woven into the context of the Case\Rule Mishnah. Their codes of law decided the chosen precedents which Torah observant Jewry should attempt to actualize in their daily lives.

        But by reducing the Gemarah precedents they made it much easier to understand how the Gemarah compares outside halachic cases to the specific Case\Rule Mishna. To learn these classic codes require comparing the halachic rulings to the language of the Mishna. That’s why these code always included the specific Mishna to the halachot which their commentaries had drastically reduced in number, something like an editor cuts and pastes. Its the discipline of comparing halachic rulings to a specific Case\Rule Mishna which permits scholars to easily see the depth parameters which the language of that specific Case\Rule Mishna contains. These Great halachic codifications permitted, so to speak, a student to see the forest through the trees.

        However just as a garment woven on a loom has a warp\weft opposing threads, even through the halachic codes do not bring any Aggaditah, students properly instructed understand Aggaditah, its relationship with the T’NaCH, as most essential to understand the Case\Rule Mishna. Aggaditah which learns T’NaCH prophetic mussar, it most essentially defines the “substance” of k’vanna, the tohor spirits of middot which the Aggadic stories within the Sha’s {breath} into the Halachic”forms” of ritualized Jewish law. Aggaditah makes comparisons to the sugiot\sub chapters/ of the T’NaCH what the Gemarah makes halachic comparisons to the Case\Rule Mishna. Consequently the Talmud, in my limited experience, by far the most complex text ever penned. The warp\woof relationship in the Talmud … the Aggadic\Halachic threads which make up the Sha’s Bavli and Sha’s Yerushalmi, they weave T’NaCH and Talmud into a unified fabric of faith.

        Then struck the defining disaster experienced by g’lut Jewry across Europe and the Middle East. The Rambam published his halachic code of Jewish law. There after Jews confused the priority of logic over law. This most basic rules of priority, the B’hag, Rif, Rosh codes emphatically obeyed. Alas the Rambam halachic code cast this most emphatic set of priorities ie logic primary, and law secondary … his code cast this absolutely most essential set of priorities unto the dumpster. Jews, almost overnight, lost the wisdom of how to correctly learn the Talmud.

        This terrible disaster, publication of the Rambam halachic code, which prioritized halachic law as supreme, it prioritized\supplanted/substituted\ assimilated Greek Aristotelian logic over Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס explanation of the Oral Torah logic format – first revealed to Moshe the prophet at Horev on Yom Kippur!

        A huge Civil War erupted, all the Gemarahs of France burned; Jewish exile communities in Britain, France, across the Germanic kingdoms, Spain, Portugal — basically all Western European Jewry — expelled from those countries. This Civil War terminated the period of Reshon scholarship upon the T’NaCH and Talmud. The Goyim, especially in the Germanic kingdoms imposed crushing taxation without representation upon Jewish refugee populations. After these feudal lords sponged off virtually all Jewish wealth – these now totally destitute refugee populations – the German kingdoms expelled the despised Jewish paupers – from off their lands.

        The Church jumped upon the nigger pile, Rome decreed that any Jewish refugee living in Western Europe, that these despised Christ killers must consent to live within locked Ghetto prison walls. These illegal and unjust decrees, did not collapse till American revolutionaries told king George where he could put his taxation without representation and Napoleon conquered those despicable Western European countries. Napoleon freed imprisoned Jewry from the 300 year wicked, unjust, and utterly insane unilateral imprisonment of Jewish refugees who never stood trial nor permitted to challenge the evil slander made by their accusers. Why do English cars drive on the other side of the road? Alas, Napoleon did not conquer Britain like he did Western Europe.

        Faced with the choice of Ghetto imprisonment without a trial or fleeing to Eastern European countries like Poland and the Ukraine, millions of Jewish stateless refugees fled unto Eastern Europe. The ירידות הדורות expressed itself through the many and famous commentaries made upon the Shulchan Aruch; Jews in the Pale of Russia had lost the ability to correctly learn the Talmud. The Czars of Russia, even attempted to replace the Talmud with the Rambam code, as the basis for the education of Jewish youth.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I have studied all the great religions, but my knowledge of Judaism is small. And it sounds like it would take a lifetime to fully understand it and all the complexities. Thank you for sharing this small bit with me.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thomas E. Meyer Jr quotes Brother Lawrence (1605 – 1691)@wordpress.com Micah 6:6-8 – compared to 5:2, On the first Day after Xmas, what does my idol on a stick now Require of Us and our abundance? Living in the Rhythm of his Grace!

        Tom blogs that his Gawd has a simple vision for all Humanity.

        [[[“””God’s desires for us are not hard to discern. He wants to bless us with salvation. The incredible gift of his Son is a powerful testimony to this truth. Yet salvation from sin and death is not something he wants to happen in our lives just once.”””]]].

        He confuses the 5:2 reference with the birth place of David with that of the Roman\Greek counterfeit, wherein the Roman characters in the new testament fiction, mockingly declares this fictional man as ‘king of the Jews’. Such revisionist history\church propaganda/ Xtian preachers continually has vomited for 2000+ years. As if prophets could miraculously see some 700 years into the future, and their predictions merited a close watch with great anticipation and anxiety. This טפש פשט narishkeit rubbish merits not short of loathing and absolute comtempt.

        What a lot of hoey apothecary. And yet Xtian Apologetics applauds this LSD trip theology throughout its long history of murder and bloodshed. People quickly found themselves, and their wives and children and neighbors violently murdered if they challenged the Church Party line & religious propaganda, preached continuously to ignorant lords, serfs and slaves – to keep them “Saved” while enslaved unto church dogma. Tom, just another preacher of the reactionary Church Party line. He totally ignores the savage brutal barbaric history of Xtian church dominated Europe during the Dark and Middle Ages. His preach totally indifferent to the rebellion by both serf and slave common Man, which expelled the church from its perch of domination following the American and French revolutions.

        Xtian revisionist historians love the ‘history’ of their bibles … just as long as it ignores church oppression and injustice throughout the entirety of its intractable monolithic domination over barbaric European societies and\or civilizations. The slaughter of the 30 Years War, fought primarily within the Holy Roman Empire (1618 – 1648), its death count compares to that produced by World War I. Wars of religion have deformed and distorted the European soul, worse than did the cruel lash torture Quasimodo, in Victor Hugo’s novel: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

        The Peace of Westphalia ended the the Thirty Years’ War and Eighty Years’ War, it brought “peace” to the Holy Roman Empire, closing a calamitous period of European history that killed approximately eight million people. Martin Luther and John Calvin considered the Rome corrupt due to the self serving dogma which promoted indulgences. Deep ideas of prophetic mussar never once crossed the violent prone unhinged minds of any Xtian leader, especially during times of social turmoil, anarchy, & chaos. That same year, 1648, exploded the Cossack pogroms which obliterated Jewish communities across the Ukraine and Poland. The horrors of these pogroms easily matched, they even surpassed the racial slaughter which the German mobs: both serfs & aristocrat war criminals alike, committed during the first Crusades.

        The problem with church propaganda preaching their lovy-dovy JeZeus narishkeit unto ignorant aristocrats, noblemen, and serfs; this preachy preach accomplishes nothing when the minds of barbarian non brit Goyim experience and enter into their emotion crazed “rut”. The males march off and murder all in their path, comparable to a plague of locust which destroys everything that sprouts from the earth.

        Never does any Xtian theologian ever ask, what causes mass insanity to repeatedly rape the primitive minds of European Xtians. Why does belief in JeZeus always collapse and fail during times of social turmoil or war? At the critical juncture, why no Xtian leader has ever stood and given heart to primitive European Xtians. Stood and Commanded them to stand fast in their faith, reject committing war crimes atrocities … and the flock obeys and listens to their “shepherd”?! When President Bush permitted the torture of capture, even illegally abducted prisoners, not a single Priest or Pastor condemned this war crime against humanity. Never in the 2000+ years, where the Church bore the responsibility to morally guide the faithful, has ever such a righteous leader ever arisen among the European peoples. Muhammad Ali, the greatest world Heavy Weight champion, he denounced the illegal Vietnam War. Martin Luther King Jr, together with Malcolm X, they rose up and denounced American Apartheid against black people. Where was JeZeus when Mehmed VI, Stalin and Hitler committed mass genocide in Europe?

        Always, and only after war crimes guilt, does the church regret and abhor that senseless bloodshed. But never has any Xtian church ever tried and convicted any European church leader for his failure to give moral leadership and guidance when strikes the Torah curse: “the plague of locusts”, ‘(משל\\נמשל)’ converts Xtian minds into blood eating vampires and werewolves. The church always fails; due to the craven cowardice of church religious leaders. Their complete lack the courage to take responsibility for the actions taken by the Xtian people, who compose and organize Xtian society across Europe and Russia.

        Shall now study the sugiot which contain the cherry picked p’sukim of Tom’s preachy preach. As a rule, when learning minor prophets, due to the brevity of these books, the search for close precedents, comparative sugiot, comes from Major prophet books. Shall attempt to learn Tom’s prized p’sukim by duplicating the style of difficulty\answer by which the Gemarah learns every Case\Rule common law Mishna. The Mishna, written much later, long after Ezra and the Men of the Great Assembly sealed the T’NaCH literature as a closed Canon\masoret/tradition – the eternal inheritance of all generations of bnai brit Israel. Encourage the reader to question the precedent compared to מיכהו:א-ח.

        This sugia contains the p’sukim of choice which Tom so adores. Propaganda rhetoric narishkeit always, as a rule, takes p’sukim totally out of their surrounding sugia contexts. This classic error defines all new testament theology. This most basic and fundamental perversion, by itself alone makes treif\unkosher/the new testament abomination.

        The sugia comparison מלכים א ו:יא – ז:נ, the response to Tom’s blog. Industry stands upon measurement tolerances. The Hebrew term “middot” means “measurements”. Might trust a hardware store yardstick to measure and cut a fence post, but not to check a precision aerospace or medical component. The 1950 US military standard Gage Inspection established measurement tolerances to a 10:1 Gagemakers rule. “The accuracy tolerances of the measuring equipment should not exceed 10 percent of the tolerances of the parts being checked”.

        Righteous morality requires “tohor middot” which fit within the tolerances of righteous justice among and between bnai brit. All moral tolerances which fall outside of these defined middot tolerances constitute as “tumah middot”. How to measure and discern between tohor and tumah middot requires great precision. Employing abstract, undefined terms of moral rhetoric, for example: love, faith, and hope, these empty comfort words, they fail to instruct the required mussar whereby to educate Man to live a moral righteous and just life – especially during times of social anarchy and chaos.

        In manufacture, measuring equipment must meet certain accuracy specifications. The more precision accuracy required, the more expensive to manufacture the product. T’NaCH prophetic mussar education follows along these exact lines. רוח הקודש defines the middot which express the k’vanna of the revelation of the Name of HaShem, revealed in the opening commandment of the Torah at Sinai. As industry has its Calipers And Micrometers, these instruments, in their turn require a standard by which to check their accuracy. T’NaCH prophets, they define רוח הקודש middot. The discipline of learning a Prophetic sugia by comparing it to sugiot with the identical or close to identical middot, herein defines T’NaCH tolerances of tohor middot.

        The comparison which Torah scholars make to check and define tohor middot tolerances, herein defines the scholarship of all Talmudic Aggadic sources. Aggadic sources within the Talmud, they make a דרוש, they search for and compare NaCH tohor middot, designated as רוח הקודש. When a חכם stands and dedicates through the mitzva of t’shuvah tohor middot unto HaShem, this k’vannah within the heart of the חכם lives when that man applies the designated tohor middot learned from prophetic mussar commandments as the t’shuvah dedication of his Yatzir Ha’Tov within his heart. When this same man lives and expresses those defined tohor middot\tolerances, they shape his social behavior with and among his own bnai brit people.

        The distinction between the t’shuvah for tumah middot vs. tohor middot distinguishes the opposing k’vannot within the evening Shemone Esrai tefillah, stand opposed to the morning Shemone Esrai tefillah. At the revelation of the Written Torah at Sinai Israel feared the curse of death. At the revelation of the Oral Torah רוח הקודש tohor middot, which stand as מלך\king – they define the Name of HaShem within precise tohor tolerances לשמה. Therefore the evening kre’a shma, bnai brit man remembers accepting the revelation of the Written Torah death curse, he dedicates his t’shuvah for social behavior promoted by his Yatzir Ha’Rah; whereas the morning kre’a shma bnai brit man remembers accepting the revelation of the Oral Torah רוח הקודש middot\tolerances of doing and keeping the mitzvot לשמה — the blessings of the Torah — the dedicated t’shuvah made by the Yatzir Ha’Tov; which radically change how this man associates with his own people in social circumstances — especially so, during times of anarchy or social chaos.

        The Church denies the revelation of both the Written and Oral Torah? When anarchy and chaos witness the collapse & fall of the church moral authority to guide and direct righteous behaviors, no Xtian priest or pastor possesses the רוח הקודש to lead and inspire his flock to reject the tumah middot of Cain – not murder again and again and again his brother Abel. The mussar משל\נמשל instruction of the measurements of the Beit Hamikdash, requires חכמים to make the required דיוק נמשל whereby They learn the mussar commanded, for example, by this prophetic book within the NaCH. Aggaditah learns prophetic mussar as the פשט of the tales and stories communicated by the Aggaditah within the Shas Talmud. Aggaditah does not learn the T’NaCH Primary Sources as if they portray physical events, which actually occurred within the history of Israel as a kingdom. Such an empty and worthless moot point, it totally perverts the purpose and intent of all Prophetic mussar.

        The new testament counterfeit, exposed as false precisely on this score, for it views the stories and character personalities within the pages of the T’NaCH as actual historical figures. It limits thereby, the reality of the Gods to 3 physical dimensions, on par with Euclid’s 5th axiom of plane geometry; on par with the scientific method, which limits reality to empirical evidence. T’NaCH prophets command mussar. They do not teach, nor concern themselves with the moot point – the physical history of an ancient people who lived in the past a long long long time ago. Observance of mitzvot commandments applies only to the living, not to the dead. For this reason Jews who wear tzitzits and visit a cemetery, they tuck their tzitzits into their pockets so as not to shame the dead.

        Shlomo spent far greater energy on building his house and Court over building the Beit Hamikdash; the NaCH does not validate that this king, (King David serves as the “gold standard” by which all other kings compare.), dedicated any energy or efforts to established the small Sanhedrin courts of the 6 Cities of Refuge. King Shlomo made no designated place for the Great Sanhedrin Courts within the Beit Hamikdash. In his lifetime he permitted, even encouraged Israel to worship other Gods. Gods who did not bow and accept the revelation of the Written and Oral Torah at Sinai and Horev! Gods whom the Xtians and Muslims worship and adore.


    1. Original research which views both T’NaCH and Talmud as common law codifications.

      Recall my absolute shock, during the opening days of formally learning Torah @ the Chabad Yeshiva in Har Nof Jerusalem. The Rosh Yeshiva, rabbi Kaplan, introduced the Mishna as a Common Law Case\Rule/ legal system. No rabbi before or sense ever made such a definitive understanding of the Mishna. Did this Common law legal system equally apply to the T’NaCH? My research argues most definitely YES.

      Since moving to Israel in 1991, have made efforts to do t’shuvah. T’shuvah shares no common ground with the Xtian Anathema known as repentence. T’shuvah addresses the plague of Jewish assimilation to foreign cultures and customs practiced by peoples and societies who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai and Horev. Assimilation represents the bane of g’lut Jewry’s existence throughout our 2000+ years in accursed g’lut. Stateless Jewish refugee populations scattered in tiny enclave population centers, dispersed across the Middle Eastern Sephardi black communities, and Ashkenazic white European communities. All Jews throughout history have struggled with doing t’shuvah in the face of assimilation. The Book of Kings, for example, tells stories how kings introduced foreign worship\avodah zarah/ and incorporated these alien customs, manners, and ways into the cult of Jewish religious practices.

      Jewish assimilation defined: Jews who abandon our Cohen tohor service identities. And embrace the cultures and customs of alien peoples; comparable to the black folk, former slaves, who embrace the Xtian religion of their former slave owning masters. As an Israeli have made allot of racial humor which lampoons black assimilation to there white over-lords. Religious Jews in Israel refer to themselves as “Black”. My humor, which attempts to compare religious Haredi Jews to ‘niggers’; alas few of my peers make the jump whereby my humor mocks my own people.

      Most people who hear my racial jokes never make the משל\נמשל דיוקים. They take a טפש פשט, a literal understanding, of my racial slurs. They assume that racist jokes refer to black folk in America rather than — the exposed butt of Haredi Jews in Israel. Something like the missionizers in Tulsa Oklahoma, who did not know how to respond when their target Jew boy for conversion, (as they viewed me), informed them that i considered myself as an atheist praise G-d. Religion, whether practiced by Goyim or Jews, tends toward a balloon like over inflated view of its piety – surely religious piety, only praiseworthy, it never stinks…NOT.

      Religion, all religion, merits taking its “holiness & perfection” with a large amount of salt. Most religious Jews who crossed my path here in Israel, they remind me of a dog who continually chases after its tail; or a silly hamster who runs itself half to death on a treadmill. Most religious Yidden simply adore religious wrappings, as expressed by rhetoric and propaganda. Something like the Fascists of Nazi Germany who simply loved their pomp parades and night time rallies.

      “My Crowd”, they love the trappings of ribbons and bells, but never attempt to explore, much less so, understand the substance and purpose behind the ritual of their religious pageantry. The commentaries on the Halachic codifications, especially the Shulchan Aruch, serve as glaring examples of ghetto scholarship Jews chasing after their tails. Nothing more galled me in my youth than when I visited the homes of my black mamma maids and saw public displays of their Xtian religious relics. My black mamma maids lived on the other side of the segregated tracks! In the early 1960s Jim Crow laws still prevailed in Midland Texas. It equally infuriated me whenever my mother, when she would behave herself, based upon the presumption that her social status towered way above blacks — her social inferiors.

      From an early age, tended to associate religion and racism as two peas in the same pod. Have never felt comfortable, or at ease when around religion. When ever Religious Mass movements come together – Power rather than morality defines their purpose. Religious power, compares to Socrates forced to drink a cup of poison hemlock. Sooner trust that a snake would not bite me if i stepped on it, than trust the power of religion not to convert me unto arrogant behavior. Very much feel at home with secular society. Herein explains the burr under my saddle in matters of doing t’shuvah!

      How does a Yid divorce T’NaCH and Talmud from Frumkeit? The Haredi Yidden behave much like and similar to how my mother looked down her nose toward blacks; how Neturei Karta detests and despises the secular Jewish State. This ‘holier than thou, Torah true Judaism’, it assumes that only these guardians of the Torah, they – and only they – possess a lock and key over their Torah monopoly! Secular society, poor nebekals – “broken children”! [Hebrew employs such quaint terms for social contempt. Nebek, pathetic social inferiors who merit nothing but extreme pity; תינוק שנשבר: (literally: a Jewish child captured and raised by Goyim)]. Such derisive terms, Haredi Yidden repeatedly and all to often express their disdain over secular Jewry – their social inferiors.

      As if the children of Haredi Yidden families, don’t struggle with assimilation, just as much or more, than do secular Yidden families! Religion spews a “Holier than thou” poison; an arrogant social superiority complex. Expressed through the different kippa head coverings. G-d forbid that a person who dons a Kippah sruga, (knitted kippa), should ever disgrace himself, even on Purim, by wearing a black haredi kippa!

      Immediately noticed, from day one in Yeshiva, that commentaries written by Reshonim scholars, on the Talmud and T’NaCH, that they fail to lampoon and criticize their crowd of religious g’lut Jewry. Religious Jewry their shit doesn’t also stink? Disputes defines virtually every rabbinic commentary ever written. Yet, despite these bitter disputes, Reshon authorities, especially after the Rambam Civil War, fail to effectively criticize Jewish religious practices as just plain wrong; the failure of rabbinic g’lut Judaism to inspire our People to rebuild Jewish Home Rule in the oath sworn lands! Only the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi inspired my crowd to leave the oppression of g’lut, and aspire to rule the oath sworn lands!

      This fundamental and basic flaw to challenge and criticize the flawed scholarship made by Reshon authorities; specifically the failure of their religious commentaries to arouse the spirit within the hearts of our children to make Aliyah to the oath sworn lands; the barren pilpulism and its inherently flawed ideas touching “scholarship” and education; the tendency to make rabbinic authorities into cults of personalities, like as did chassidus in Easter Europe. These basic mistakes, they aroused within me the willingness to reject and invalidate the authority of the Reshonim commentaries made on the T’NaCH and Talmud. What happened to the priority of prophetic Mussar during the Middle Ages? The ‘Golden Age’ of Spain, had it not witnessed a total rabbinic assimilation to the rediscovered ancient Greek philosophers!

      The silence, the total lack of denunciation over the betrayal by rabbinic authorities, their public assimilation to despised ancient Greek cultures and customs … forced me to ask: what Jews light the lights of Chanukah … only for the ritual lights themselves?! Slowly dawned the realization, that something stinks in the state of Denmark. Once openly critical of Reshonim scholarship, that got me into immediate trouble in Yeshiva, I started mocking “black” Haredi Jews by lampooning the niggers of America! It never ceases to amaze me that religious Yidden, they fail to hop that my racial jokes mock religious Haredi Jews, and not the black people of American society!

      Haredi Yidden just could not get past the racial ribbons and bells to grasp that my satire, it denounces the Haredi religions of rabbinic assimilation. Placed my bulls eye mark on the Rambam’s aristotelian logic. Based upon rabbi Waldman’s observations. He praised that style of logic as what distinguishes the Rambam halachic code, from that of the Tur Shulchan Aruch. But Karo’s The Cesef Mishna commentary on the Yad Hachzakah, and commentaries made upon that famous code, they all fail to explain the relationship of halachic precedents, and how they understand the language of the Case\Rule Mishna!

      They all fail to address the prophetic mussar Aggadic relationship, as the breath of רוח הקודש, ie tohor middot, which quickens the k’vanna of halachic ritual observance! Translating abstract ideas into Mishnaic Hebrew fails to understand that translations cannot and do not define the terms which they translate. Something like the word ברית, never once employed anywhere within the Book of the Koran! Covenant – totally fails to define the oath alliance obligations of the word ברית.

      Neither the Koran nor new testament ever once bring the Name revealed @ the first commandment of Sinai. Learning to do and keep commandments לשמה, defines all Torah scholarship! The 13 tohor middot, they function as “pronouns” of the רוח הקודש – Name. The revelation of the Name, does not exist as a word; the sin of the golden calf – Aaron translated the Name unto אלהים, a word.

      Impossible to ‘cut a brit’ without swearing a Torah oath “blowing” the spirit of the Name; as learned from the mitzva of blowing of the Shofar. Miztzvot learn from other mitzvot — like metal sharpens metal. Making affixed connections between mitzvot “precedents”, defines all T’NaCH and Talmudic scholarship. This rule stands totally different and apart from the Reshon priority simplification, that focuses upon the determination of p’shat. Grew to hate the question: ‘What’s the p’shat?’, repeatedly asked by my rabbinic peers.

      Assimilation — the first face of avodah zarah. A direct violation of the 2nd Commandment of Sinai. Two key figures define this avodah zarah. They combine with the Black Death pandemic of the 14th Century: (1) King Shlomo’s construction of the 1st Temple; (2) The Rambam’s halachic perversion of Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס explanation of the revelation of the Oral Torah logic @ Horev. This line of research delves into a highly complex and difficult realms of scholarship. For example, never in 2000+ years has any Xtian “scholar” realized that the Hebrew T’NaCH functions as the first common law codification. The assimilated Reshonim scholarship likewise crashed the ships of all their religious commentaries – on this reef of T’NaCH common law. Never did any rabbinic lecture address the perils of Jewish assimilation within the walls of the Yeshivas which I attended!

      As a T’NaCH\Talmud researcher, seek to view this Classic Masoret viewed from a completely different perspective than that taken by the “assimilated” Reshonim scholars. Have presented arguments which denounce both king Shlomo’s decision to build the Temple and the Rambam’s halachic codification, as both the definition of ruinous assimilation, and the expression of absolute disaster for all generations of Jewry that came thereafter – worse than even the black death itself.

      My sh’itta of learning offers a new interpretation upon the classic Hebrew concept known as ירידות הדורות. This alien assimilationist theological idea, it promotes an utterly absurd idea that later generations lack the mental capabilities possessed by earlier generations. This rabbinic dogmatism has plagued my people for a very long time. How to refute and negate this long standing dogma held near and dear among my rabbinic peers? To accomplish this, first requires a back handed validation of its absolute narishkeit.

      Decisions taken by a great leader, they produce, so to speak, a domino effect. Once Shlomo built the Temple, no one thereafter ever challenged that decision as invalid. None of the kings who came after Shlomo, nor the prophets, ever openly mocked or challenged the decision taken by Shlomo to built his grand Temple. The construction of the Temple, it supplanted the Order of priority — to establish a Federal Sanhedrin common law court system. Shlomo’s narishkeit ‘replacement theology’, it switched thereafter the ‘Golden Ideal’ goal posts. All kings thereafter viewed the grand images of the Temple as the golden ideal. While, צדק צדק תדוף became relegated to just a back water eddy. Reshonim chased the ghost of messiah with the declaration that the Moshiach would build the 3rd Temple!

      But what if king Shlomo ignored the council of the prophet NaTan, like as did his son – who at Sh’Cem rejected the advise counseled by the elders, who served his father, king Sh’lomo? Because no Jewish authority ever risked to reject the decision taken by king Shlomo, this resulted in all later generations lacking the t’shuvah mental ability\ירידת הדורות/ to return\t’shuvah/ our nation back unto its original destiny path walk! Israel came out of the bondage of Egypt, to rule the oath sworn lands with justice. HaShem did not redeem Israel from oppressive slavery, just for our People to bankrupt our treasury and build ornate and spectacular Temples, like so defines European medieval cultures and customs – Dark Ages. To love HaShem with all our strength, commanded through the kre’a shma, actively entails making wise investments of our limited treasure resources in our family and neighbors success.

      The same equally holds true with how the Rambam halachic code redefined the concept of halachah. All generations thereafter, they lacked the spiritual stones to do t’shuvah. Following the burning of the Talmud in Paris, rabbinic Judaism never challenged the flawed premise of learning, which the Rambam code had established. No generation thereafter ever attempted to correct the gross error in judgment made by the Rambam. The Rambam code quickly overshadowed the B’hag, Rif, and Rosh, codes which compared halachic precedents to a defined Case\Rule Mishna. Prophetic mussar, it too became just a back water eddy. Aggaditah turned itself, so to speak, into a ‘black slave’; just a poor nigga pariah ‘boy’! It became fit for only quaint woman’s learning; T’NaCH transmuted, much like the Xtian leavened wafer and a cup of wine ritual, into a glorified history book! Herein encapsulates my back handed validation of ירידות הדורות.

      Rabbis in Yeshiva quite often skipped over the Aggadic portions within the Talmud, rabbinic instruction make it their focus priority to emphasize the Rambam perversion of Talmudic halachah! These Rosh Yeshiva rabbis, they themselves do not grasp that the Sha’s Bavli has a warp\weft Halachah/Aggaditah Loom-like fabric faith. Yeshiva students became oblivious to the spirit of prophetic mussar – how it breathes life – unto the halachic forms of ritual observances. These new generations of students they have eyes only focused upon the halachic ritual whistles and bells. What mussar rebuke lays beneath the surface of the shiny ritualized halachic tinsel, does not concern, nor interest them in the least. Study of the k’vanna of T’NaCH common law compares to the Yeshiva education on the k’vanna of the Siddur. The Baali T’shuvah Yeshivot in Jerusalem, at the height of the t’shuvah fad, they cranked out massed produced Frumkeit Yidden; all uniformly dressed up in their holier than thou religious uniforms and black hats.

      None of these new religious t’shuvah converts, understood the need to restore the Written Torah as the Constitution of the Republic of States within Israel. None of the rabbinic instructors understood the pressing priority need to reestablish the Federal Great and Small Sanhedrins (6 Cities of Refuge), and restore the authority of the Sanhedrin Federal Courts to conduct ‘legislative review’ of all laws passed by the Knesset. Just as living Man has both flesh and spirit so too law requires both substance and form. Prophetic Mussar defines the spirit of all Torah external klippot laws. Instead, rabbis harp the preach that Jews in Israel live in g’lut because the Moshiach has yet to build the 3rd Temple!

      Frumkeit does not, in point of fact – prosper, when sex trade markets and white slave prostitution rings thrive in Tel Aviv. To cause the Jewish state to stand fully Independent requires forcing Capital Crimes criminals guilty of sexual hedonism and\or mafia economic debauchery domination of markets, which often results in murder, to not only stand trial – but to impose either g’lut or one of the four death sentences upon them. Plastic police should not focus their energies upon imposing fines through traffic tickets. Only court judges, not plastic police, have the authority to punish transgressions through fines.

      T’shuvah requires that the Jewish State rejects the Western prison system. Justice cannot and does not compensate for damages, by housing criminals within expensive prisons for extended periods of time. Justice rejects the huge expenses associated with Appellate courts, made famous in the broken American legal system, together with its exorbitantly expensive prison bureaucracies. Better to restrict justice to local conditions, and impose public humiliation and court ordered whipping posts, to punish criminal behavior. Justice rejects the public incarceration of criminals with other criminals – for extended periods of time. Permitting these people the לוקסוס\luxury/ to better learn the secrets of their tumah enterprises.


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