Pam Lason. Knowing God through His Word … Day by December 18 Habakkuk 1-3

The problem with your approach Pam, what people can’t read an English translation of the Bible? Honestly it requires the skill of a 9 year old to read an English translation of the Bible. This early 2nd Temple period prophet, what nevuah does he add to the prophets who lived before the Babylonian exile? Honestly amazes me of the gullibility of Goyim. (Goyim a term of respect. Xtians refer to folk not “inside” their theology belief system as pagans and heathens). Not till 1948 did stateless refugee Jewish populations merit the term “Goy”\Nation. The gullibility of Goyim though never ceases to amaze me. How they can buy this religious crap and never ask basic fundamental questions. Like for example: How does the Torah define the term “prophet”? The rhetoric propaganda of the new testament writers relied upon the “fuzzy logic” of ignorant Goyim to assume they knew the definition of the term “prophet”. Sorry, can not rely on Webster’s dictionary to define a term employed by a culture and people that you know virtually nothing about.

The outright religious arrogance of Xtians (does not matter what denomination – all pathetic), makes me wonder why no Xtian never developed “the balls” to question the BS of theology and dogmatism which church idiots continually vomit. 2000+ years Xtianity has struggled with its heretical movements, hundreds of popular mass movements which the church denounced and then destroyed. In all that time, no Xtian has possessed the courage to ask basic fundamental questions concerning how the Torah defines certain essential base line terms. Brit does not mean covenant. Prophets do not foretell the future. Prayer not the same as Jewish tefillah, not even in the same ball park…not even in the same galaxy!

The historic oppression, corruption, and wickedness of the church … and no one challenges church dogmatism on how to define the key T’NaCH terms upon which hangs all matters of faith, hope, and love. Never seen a single Xtian person struggle to determine how the Torah defines these terms? This basic error, its so obvious and fundamental. It defines a person that can’t see his glasses because they rest upon his nose. Bunk upon remove the beam from your own eye none sense religious rhetoric noise. How do Xtians generation after generation exalt and worship their eternal ignorance of the basic terms from the T’NaCH upon which they hang faith, hope and love?

169 thoughts on “Pam Lason. Knowing God through His Word … Day by December 18 Habakkuk 1-3

    1. Why? Rationally and systematically write to prove the falsity of Xtianity, in my latest posts. Xtianity … guilty for the Holocaust of my people during WW2.


      1. You do not seem to understand the difference between NAZI Germany and Christianity, good sir.

        Why you can’t spell out words such as Christianity like normal people mai krap

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The Nazis based their Jew killing policies all upon prior Xtian precedents. How come you remain so ignorant of the crimes against humanity which your church bears 100% guilt.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. No. I address blogs located upon I publish my response because most Xtians whom I have encountered, they lack the back bone to do anything other that preach.


      1. Liam Sweat: A Biblical Theology in Three Acts
        My response:

        Greetings Liam,
        You have written on your blog:

        [[[“””The second verse that speaks of sweat is Ezekiel 44:18. It comes in the final main section of the book (40-48) where, having spoken about the exile and destruction of the Temple, Ezekiel prophecies about a new Temple, re-inhabited by God’s glory. It is a vast structure, full of order and life. Whilst this section of Ezekiel’s vision may be one of the most challenging passages of Scripture to interpret, it seems that he is prophesying about the New Creation, where the fall will be reversed, and God’s presence will finally dwell among His people in a renewed Eden-like Temple, that doesn’t simply occupy a tiny portion of the world, but stretches across the whole New Earth (cf. Isaiah 66:17).”””]]]

        First order of business. Ezra and the Men of the Great Assembly sealed the Cannon of the Hebrew T’NaCH. The later new testament Greek manuscripts in no manner or form compare to the authority of the T’NaCH. Xtian propaganda foists the false notion of Old and New Testaments, as if they shared parity as equals. The latter in no way shape manner or form shares authority with the T’NaCH, because it worships avoda zarah alien foreign Gods.

        Church priests and pastors of avodah zarah, they reject the revelations of HaShem made at Sinai and Horev respectively. Likewise the alien Arabs who preach the Koran avodah zarah, they too, like the church abomination, reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai and Oral Torah at Horev. Both Bible and Koran fail to obey the 1st Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai and ispo fact, by that inevitable result they both worship other Gods; both religions of avodah zarah make flagrant violations of the 2nd Commandment of the Torah revelation at Sinai. Therefore in no manner shape or form does the new testament avodah zarah compare to the literature of the 66 Books that comprise the sealed cannon of the T’NaCH.

        The interpretation of both T’NaCH sources and much later Talmudic legalism both this and that learn by way of precedents as expressed through Common Law courtrooms. The basis of blessing or curse … life or death centers upon the Divine Judgment of — Justice Justice Pursue (דברים טז:יא). Justice defined as — court imposed judicial compensation for damages inflicted, either intentionally or by accident, upon others. Neither the new testament nor koran theology addresses the Torah chief cornerstone of faith – justice. HaShem took Israel out from the oppression of Egyptian bondage to accomplish the oath alliance mutually sworn by both HaShem and Avraham, that the chosen cohen seed of Avraham would rule the oath sworn lands of Canaan with justice.

        The new testament theology which preaches “the messiah saves Man from sin” and the koran theology that preaches that “belief in Allah as the one God and Mohammad as the prophet of the One God” makes any Man who accepts this theology into a Muslim, neither theology emphasizes justice as does the Torah oath brit alliance faith.

        As previously mentioned, both T’NaCH and Talmudic literature learn and interpret by means of prior precedents. The Xtian bible translations, one and all, evil. The Church unilateral decision to impose chapters and verses upon the Hebrew T’NaCH perverts the T’NaCH unto avodah zarah, comparable to Man making love with other homosexual male partners – an abomination. It requires no great skill to read English translations of the T’NaCH. The false Roman new testament writers, their theology cherry picked T’NaCH p’sukim\verses – stolen from their sugia contexts; their speculation perverted these stolen p’sukim\verse comparable to a woman laying with an animal – an abomination.

        The study of T’NaCH and Talmudic Primary Sources, as mentioned above, learns by means of comparing precedent Case\Din/Rule studies. The latter style defines Jewish common law. The arbitrary expunging of sugiot from the T’NaCH followed by the replacement “order” of chapters and verses (which defines every Xtian biblical translation of abomination), this error supported the Church preference of belief in theologies, creeds, and dogmatism above the revelation of the Oral Torah at Horev, whereby Moshe the prophet received and accepted the Oral Torah revelation, wherein he thereafter commanded 611 additional commandments which serve as the primary commentary to the revelation of the opening first two commandments, which all Israel accepted at Sinai, and which all Goyim to this very day reject.

        The verses which your blog cherry picked, followed by your reactionary 2 dimensional speculations, they sit within 2 separate sugiot. T’NaCH does not follow the Xtian organization of chapters and verses. But for clarity, since you do not read Hebrew, shall likewise employ them to designate a sugia. יחזקאל מד:א-ח,,,מד:טו-לא. The logic of Oral Torah as opposed to halachic laws codified within the pages of the Talmud (((The Church confuses the latter with the former, in their denunciation of the existence of the revelation of the Oral Torah; Oral Torah logic sharply contrasts and differentiates itself from ancient Greek Philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle who developed Greek logic formats. Oral Torah, this unique logic format, this discipline of rational thinking, the Sages throughout the generations, (stars in the sky the promised future born seed of Avram), they derive halachic laws, just as and similar to Moshe the prophet used this exact same Oral Torah logic to derive 611 Torah commandments as his commentary to the revelation of the opening first two commandments of the Sinai revelation of the Torah.

        A distinct, basic, and fundamental distinction which forever separates Oral Torah “logic” from the codification of Jewish halachic laws. T’NaCH “common law” learns by comparing sugiot precedents (((with other similar or contrasting sugiot))) within both the same Book of a Prophet or by comparing similar\contrasting sugiot of other T’NaCH Books. In like as similar fashion the Gemara commentary upon the Mishna brings precedents collected from any of the 6 Orders of the Mishna whereby the Gemara compares the Case\Rule of a specific Mishna to other Mishnaic precedents scattered throughout the whole of the 20 volume Talmud Bavli.

        A sugia precedent comparison ישעיה כט:ט-ל:יח. T’NaCH prophets command mussar NOT speculation which so defines new testament preaching and vain empty noise. Compare the mussar of Isaiah to יחזקאל ו:א-יד. As HaShem, no JeZeus mamzer son of Mary, brought Israel out of the oppression and slavery of Egypt and revealed the revelation of the Torah at both Sinai and Horev, so too
        יחזקאל מד:ג : את הנשיא השיא הוא ישב בו לאכול לחם לפני ה’ מדרך אולם השער יבוא ומדרכו יצא
        Which “prince” does the navi refer? To the baali t’shuva of all and every generation who return to obey the Torah לשמה. The opening Mishna of גיטין teaches that g’lut Jewry lost the ability to do and keep mitzvot commandments לשמה; similar to all the Xtian biblical evil translations which never even once bring the Name of HaShem. Your speculation confuses JeZeus son of Zeus with the generations of faithful bnai brit Israel who do mitzvot commandments לשמה.

        Your blog then proceeds to speculate on יחשקאל מד:טו-לא. Compare this sugia with ישעיה א:י- יז. Contrast the strong mussar of Isaiah. An abomination those who offer sacrifices comparable to a buffet barbeque made unto Heaven. On par with evil men who keep and observe the halachah established by Talmudic codifications of law, made by famous Reshon scholars, as if halachah has any connection with Torah commandments without prophetic mussar woven into the fabric of halachic observances. Religious worship of forms of faith which lacks the substance of prophetic mussar defines keeping and doing the commandments לא לשמה. The Torah does not breath the Spirit of HaShem without mussar. All the Priests and Pastors for 2000+ years, not one of these evil men knew that all T’NaCH prophets command mussar as the definition of their prophesy. A person does not “believe” the mussar which the prophets command. Rather the generations of bnai brit Israel have the Torah obligation to “own” the mussar which the T’NaCH prophets command.

        The Talmud teaches that the Sages did not know how to teach mussar. Why? Preaching ‘fire and brimstone’ can go into one ear and out the other ear of the preached at congregation. Not so mussar. Mussar compares to a seed planted within the heart, and from this soil does that mussar spout from within the heart of Man himself. Mussar does not exist as an foreign idea preached at by others, but rather a native idea which sprouts from within the heart of that individual Man himself, as his own an internal original idea\chiddush – known to no one else other than that Man alone.

        Mussar does not attempt to inform or tell people what theology or creed or dogma that they should believe. All belief systems worship the tumah of avodah zarah. T’NaCH mussar learns by comparing a sugia of the T’NaCH with similar or contrasting sugiot from the T’NaCH. This way of learning goes by the Hebrew term sh’itta\method of learning profound wisdom.

        Compare that sugia of Isaiah with יחזקאל יז:יא-יח. The Torah stands upon the oath brit. Brit cannot mean “covenant” as found in the pathetic Xtian translations of their bibles. To swear a Torah oath לשמה requires the Name of HaShem, and the Name of HaShem no where found on any page of any Xtian bible abominations of avodah zarah which worships foreign alien gods like JeZeus the mamzer son of Mary.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “How come you remain so ignorant of the crimes against humanity which your church bears 100% guilt.”

    Please Rabbi, enlighten me good sir.


      1. Honestly have no patience to watch tv programs. Am communicating straight with you. But alas you have no knowledge of your faith so you run to tv programs.


      2. So you choose to throw out damning accusations as if they were facts but refuse to back up anything with verifiable facts. You, mockster, are a very elusive and annoying rabbi.


      3. Can’t recall starting a fight and then losing it. At 130, once a dude twice my weight and size attacked me, he won but i walked away and suffered a big black eye. When people asked who did it – told them that i ran into a Wall. Never validated my loss and people never heard from me who started that fight … other than the wall that I ran into.


    1. Another none answer as per usual for you.

      Imagine, Miss Moxter, my surprise

      Does your Torah encourage you to lie, cheat, and kill non-Jews?


      1. Because you always make false allegations then never put to any evidence.

        As you, Miss Moxster, might say: I am not having a conversation with a link.


      2. Changing the mofo subject as per SOP. You moxster are foxtrotting pathetic as well as sad excuse for a woman in exile.


  2. mosckerr
    January 3, 2022 at 9:07 am
    Its a none sense word to me. Apparently you erroneously spelled a word like you did “hospital”. LOL


    Interrogative: How does Mr. Google spell the word – nonsense?


  3. You truly are a dunce, aren’t you? Can not even follow the conversation on your very own blog. Wow, moxter, just wow!

    Interrogative x3: Google is your higher standard – oui?

    January 3, 2022 at 10:12 pm
    The second time you avoid answering a direct question. What gives, Rabbi?


    January 4, 2022 at 8:09 am
    repeat the question


    Liked by 2 people

      1. What about the exchange below? Did it not happen?

        January 5, 2022 at 9:30 am
        How does Mr. Google spell nonsense?


        January 5, 2022 at 3:42 pm
        none sense.




      2. You lie 24/7/11 about the true history of Christianity then assume the fetal position when asked to back up your outrageous and unsupportable claims. I believe that sort of deceit would land you Dante’s 9th circle of hell – oui?


      3. I have known children with Down’s syndrome who spell better than you. You are an uneducated parasite spewing the venom you learned from your master.


  4. Interrogative x4: Google is your higher standard – oui?


    January 5, 2022 at 1:53 am
    You truly are a dunce, aren’t you? Can not even follow the conversation on your very own blog. Wow, moxter, just wow!

    Interrogative x3: Google is your higher standard – oui?

    January 3, 2022 at 10:12 pm
    The second time you avoid answering a direct question. What gives, Rabbi?


    January 4, 2022 at 8:09 am
    repeat the question



  5. Your comment below is not intended to mock?

    January 6, 2022 at 2:17 am
    “I thought”… see every thing has its first time LOL




      1. You wrote that one could not find nakrap on Google as if that is the highest source for resolving these sort of disputes. If not WTF is?


      2. So now asshole, you won’t tell me whether or not there exists a higher standard for you than Google. Having difficulty again, mockster, in keeping up with the rest of the class?


      3. Shalom stands upon the foundation of trust. Lennon’s “All we are saying is give Peace a chance” does not stand upon the foundation of trust.


      1. what is nakrap? You don’t know this “none sense” word any better than myself. Yet like a dog that returns and eats its own vomit, you harp on Google and nakrap. LOL Proof that your not serious.


      2. If I tell you the meaning of nakrap you will simply repeat that you can’t find it on Google. That is why I keep asking you what is your higher standard for resolving the meaning of words in dispute? x5 0r 6 times you refuse to answer this question as well as most others asked by yours truly.


      3. All I have done is ask you to disprove my belief that most of your blog is little more than a present and dangerous libel against Christians.


    1. Pam Larson Knowing Gawd through his word day by July 25 2 Chronicles 34 -36

      Pam’s blog offers but only a retelling of Biblical tales. Her blog retells old stories … as if ignorant Goyim just learned how to read a book. With no commentary, the question stands: what does ancient tales concerning the long dead kingdom of Yechuda have to due with Xtian faith, spirituality, and their Gawd awful avodah zarah? Her blog —– completely silent, it even prevents comments or questions.

      First year yeshiva students within the study halls of baali t’shuva Yeshivot across Israel, duplicate this rote like instruction called שקלא וטריא. Roughly translated as negotiations or debate. But this translation fails to validate the rote style of memorization of the page of Gemara made by young Yeshiva students, who most recently broke their teeth and learned how to read a page of Gemarah. Learning how to learn Gemarah takes years, hundreds upon hundreds of hours, sitting with close rabbinic instruction … and even then the vast majority of Yeshiva bochim, they fail to grasp the Big Picture across the board interconnections which define the nature of all the Primary Sources contained within the Jewish masoret\traditions.

      In my early years as a Yeshiva bocher, endured this primitive style of baby learning at Ohr Sma’ach in Jerusalem. But after about 8 months, completely disgusted, (both the rabbis of that institution and myself), we mutually thought it wise for us to part company. Moved to D’var Yerushalim and their met Rav Aaron Nemuraskii and rabbi Waldman. These two rabbis truly imprinted upon me, a unique sh’itta of learning, which years later would develop into the style of learning by which this blog interprets all Torah Primary sources. Development of an across the board sh’itta of how to systematically learn and interpret the Masoret, permanently changed my life.

      Neither of these seminal, highly influential rabbis, at all interested in rote שקלא וטריא narishkiet\non sense. Their repudiation of rote learning shaped how much later, their student – myself – would develop a harsh and critical view of Reshonim commentary scholarship made on T’NaCH, Midrash, Talmudic, and Siddur Primary sources of Yiddishkeit; the dogmatism of current rabbis beliefs touching ירידת הדורות totally disgusts me. It reminded me of the Nazi Untermensch propaganda which Europeans used as a crutch to justify the attempt to systematically exterminate the Jewish people from all Europe and Russia.

      View most Reshonim scholarship as an expression of failure. Specifically the short comings of rabbinic leadership to check and prevent Jewish assimilation throughout the long g’lut within Europe and Islamic countries. This blog tends to isolate the scholarship of the “Untermensch” Rambam as contrasted by the far superior French school of Talmudic scholarship, the Rashi and Baali Tosafot commentaries made upon the Talmud and Chumash (Torah commentaries). The bane of my existence personally, it goes hand in hand together with Jewish societies throughout history; we share an identical destiny as a whole.

      Nothing has caused more destruction and distress than assimilation to non brit cultures and customs. Assimilation where the Jewish people “ape” the manners, customs and ways of peoples and societies who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai & Horev; while at the same time losing all contact and knowledge of the Cohen civilization which accepts to this day the revelation of the Torah at Sinai and Horev every time we accept the ‘Yoke of Heaven’ … when we say kre’a shma evening and morning respectively.

      During my first year learning as a ‘baali t’shuvah’, in a Yeshiva on the outskirts of Har Nof, a Chabad Yeshiva, (The kindness, and generosity of the folk of that community I always remember with a profound sense of gratitude.), the rabbinic teachers, while very nice and supportive, their shallow understanding of how to interpret the Siddur greatly distressed me. Then came the Rebbe as Moshiach narishkeit, this ‘final straw’, combined with my own personal failures to due t’shuvah, severed my relations with Chabad chassidus.

      It took the great merits of my wife Karen, to cause me to bow my head and accept\grasp the responsibility for my failure to due t’shuvah. This obligation rests fully upon my own shoulders. In matters of t’shuvah, all fingers point to myself. The responsibility to due t’shuvah rests solely within my own heart. T’shuvah, this great mitzva which defines the k’vanna of tefillah; it likewise and equally defines that moment wherein HaShem asked Adam why he ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The aggadic story of Adam in the garden, this mussar defines and shapes the total k’vanna of the mitzva דאורייתא of t’shuvah, for all generations of bnai brit, unto all eternity in time.

      Xtianity, does not limit its rejection of the Oral Torah, but equally rejects the Written Torah. The bible perversion of Old and New Testaments serves as a primary witness which the above accusation makes; and which this blog submits unto the judgment of the reading audience. Even with the most casual of observations, it becomes immediately obvious that the Mishna, (how much more so its Gemarah commentary), has made a radical and drastic change in both style and content when compared to the much earlier T’NaCH sources. This most apparent of distinctions, caused the counterfeit New Testament supporters to decide they had absolutely no interest or need to learn from rabbinic sources which produced Talmudic, Midrashic, and Siddur sources.

      This profound error of judgment serves witness that the new testament counterfeit shares no “graft of Paul theology” with Yiddishkeit. All Xtian biblical scholarship, not only did they bury or worse burn rabbinic literature which studies the T’NaCH, they radically altered the organization of the structure\organization of all T’NaCH Books. Assimilated Rambam would duplicate this exact error, when he published his 14 volume Yad Hachazakah code of Jewish law. This error caused a profound ירידות הדורות in all generations, both Goyim and Jews, and how their later generations learned both T’NaCH and Talmud with an amputated right arm.

      To reach this astounding conclusion took a gestation period of more than 30 years. Perhaps Rabbi Walman planted the seed of this mussar into my heart when he personally showed me where Rashi disputed an opinion expressed by Onqelos Targum on the Chumash. Remember asking in shock, how Rashi, a Reshon, could argue with a Tanna (a sage who lived before Rabbi Yechuda wrote the Mishna)? By the terms of the modern rabbinic mantra dogma of ירידת הדורות, a later generation could not possibly dispute with an earlier generation!!! Rav Waldman’s t’shuva, have never forgotten. No generation owns a lock & monopoly upon logic. Rashi challenged the logic by which the Tanna Onqelos expressed his opinion.

      Later the dispute between Rashi and the Baali Tosafot over how to learn the 13 middot of Rabbi Yishmael; when I saw in Rashi’s commentary to the NaCH that he learned from his own Gezirah Shava! Realized that Rashi and Tosafot did not dispute with each other, in that famous “dispute” over how to learn the פשט of a page of Gemarah.

      That Rashi’s comment to the Talmud which limited the uses of Rabbi Yishmael’s 13 middot unto a Kal v’Chomer (a fortiori, or major to minor דיוק inference), that it based itself upon the recognition that Rav Ashi sealed the Sha’s Bavli as the permanent masoret of all generations of Israel to this very day! In effect, based upon the sealed Masoret of the Sha’s Bavli, Rashi’s explanation which on the surface, severely limited use of Rabbi Yishmael’s 13 middot of logic … in point of fact, Rashi’s comment makes a critical דיוק, it made an inverse argument. To learn correctly how to learn whether T’NaCH or Talmud, this scholarship requires the skill to know how to make logical דיוקים based upon employment of all of Rabbi Yishmael’s 13 middot of logic. The sealing of the Sha’s Bavli\Yerushalmi,,, this decree made the Talmud the masoret of all generations of Israel.

      Arrived at this conclusion while Rav Aaron personally instructed me on a sh’itta of how to learn, how to learn. Rav Aaron did not teach this sh’itta to his son. This bothered both of us, (his son & myself) for years. Why?

      Rav Aaron, a great חכם, he viewed his talmidim as vessels. Old skins cannot hold new wine. Rav Aaron’s son lived among traditional observant Jewry. Traditional Judaism has developed its own unique dogmatism. The vast majority of Observant Jewry, simply will not tolerate deviation from the dogma of their defined and designated sh’itta of learning. A glaring example: the rabbinic narishkeit which has developed concerning the coming of the Moshiach.

      Not nearly as wise as Rav Aaron, attempted to reveal this sh’itta of learning to Moshe Eli, Karen’s only son. The attempt, it shattered our relationship together. From that time on, Moshe Eli had absolutely no interest what so ever – to learn Torah together with me. This failure to educate Karen’s children, shot straight across the board, Karen’s three daughters likewise viewed my Torah with the deepest of suspicion. They too had no interest to learn Torah through my sh’itta of learning. Herein explains how I personally answer the question of why Rav Aaron revealed the פרדס kabbalah to me and not to his son.

      Rav Aaron understood, at least it appears to me as such, that for me to challenge and harshly criticize Reshonim scholarship made upon T’NaCH and Talmudic Primary sources, not a difficulty for me, seeing that my background came from a socialist non religious almost totally assimilated non Jewish social environment. Perhaps 5 Jewish families lived in Midland Texas, the place of my birth. When Rav Waldman revealed to me that Rashi disputed an opinion taught by the Tanna Onqelos, he did it privately and spoke almost in a whisper. Both חכמים understood, that even in a baali t’shuvah Yeshiva, that most talmidim could not handle this revelation.

      Specifically, Oral Torah consists of Logic rather than Law. That most, if not almost all the post Rambam Reshonim, the Baal Ha’Turim stands out as a very strong example of the difference between his work from that halachic code which his father the Rosh produced. Even Yosef Karo spoke of the Tur commentary in terms almost worthy of contempt when compared to the Rambam and the early Reshonim.

      The Rosh made a precise commentary upon the terse language employed by the Baali Tosafot. The Rosh modeled his sh’itta of learning based upon the Rif. By sharp 180° contrast, both the Tur and Shulchan Aruch “parroted” the gross errors committed the assimilated Rambam רשע. The Rambam did not know, much less follow the logic kabbalah of פרדס – as taught by Rabbi Akiva and all his Talmudic talmidim. Assimilated Rambam organized the structure of his code of law based upon the errors first committed by the Xtian church’s reorganization of the bible & the foreign alien logic developed by that Greek – Aristotle. Assimilation, the first face of avodah zarah, a direct profanation of the 2nd Commandment of Sinai.

      Let’s learn. Contrast Pam’s rote learning of regurgitating T’NaCH sources by comparing her דברי הימים\Chronicles with a sugia in מלכים ב. Specifically מלכים ב כב:א – כג:ל.

      King Yoshiyyahu followed the way of King Shlomo in matters of the beit hamikdash. King David obeyed the mussar given by the prophet Natan and understood that the mitzva to build the beit hamikdash centered upon following the Last Will and Testament of Moshe Rabbeinu, to construct the 6 Cities of Refuge most essentially requires the establishment of the Sanhedrin lateral Common law Federal Courts System. King Yoshiyyahu followed the avodah zarah first established by King Shlomo. Hence when he went to war, HaShem did not war against the Gods worshiped by King Nekho, Par’o of Egypt.

      The Order of Rashi tefillen stands upon the oath brit sworn at Gilgal in the days of the prophet Yehoshua. The faith of this brit oath, that just as HaShem made war against the Gods worshiped by Par’o in the days of Moshe, so too HaShem would make war against the Gods worshiped by the kingdoms of Canaan. Yoshiyyahu suffered total military defeat before the armies of king Nekho. King Shlomo failed to obey the oath brit faith like as did King David. King David, the model by which all Kings of Israel stand in judgment. Concerning the fall of King Yoshiyyahu in the war he waged against Egypt, the sages teach that Israel placed their idols behind their doors. That when Yoshiyyahu made search for avodah zarah in the camp of Israel, that he failed to search behind the opened doors.

      Avodah zarah does NOT, most essentially concern the worship of idols. The sin of the משל ‘golden calf’ requires making the logical דיוק נמשל! Translating the רוח הקודש thirteen Oral Torah middot Spirits whereby a person pronounces the Name of HaShem revealed in the First Commandment of Sinai; herein defines the נמשל דיוק of the Gemarah explanation for the military defeat of King Yoshiyyahu in war … the nation of Israel obeyed the commandments of the king, but not לשמה. When ever the nation of Israel honors HaShem with our lips but not WITHIN our hearts, Israel goes unto g’lut\exile. This mussar, it applies just as much to Jews living in Israel today as it did when the T’NaCH prophets commanded that mussar a long long long time ago.

      Following the sh’itta\methodology ‘ whereby the Gemara makes a search for precedents by which to gauge the k’vanna of a Case\Rule Mishna,,, shall bring a precedent and follow it up with an even closer precedent. יחזקאל יא:יד-יג:ז vs. יד:ב-טז:נ. Learning by the discipline of comparing precedents with even closer precedents does not compare to the childlike stupidity and immaturity of rote learning; line by line, here a little, there a little narishkeit. Mussar does not view the visions of the prophets as history that happened a long long long time ago. The discovery of dinosaur bones does not disturb the mussar of the Creation story.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Rabbi Kerr, I am curious why you are continuing to fence with ST. “ST” is a lost and confused child. I see you have been reading my Blog Posts. What is with the change of heart ? The ONLY COMMENT OF YOURS I SAW WAS JUST ” Interesting “. Interesting good ? Interesting bad ? Interesting but stupid ? Let me know please.
    Marc David


    1. ST behaves like the Xtian priests and pastors who made pogroms against my people. He has absolutely no content in the drivel that he spews. Its these you you you personal ad hominem logical fallacy that my “fencing with him” exposes.


    2. moribascorner
      Jan 18, 2022
      A very interesting blog…!

      That’s the only “interesting” on this page. Nothing “interesting” about ST. He’s just a simple reactionary who has no knowledge, therefore he goes on the offensive with personal ad hominem hate rants.


    3. The propaganda which floods the Main stream media press, it loves to foist the lie that stateless Arab refugees once ruled the mythical land of Palestine. Comparable to the French frogs of Paris who foist the lie that France defeated the Nazis in WWII. The EU and Jimmy Carter love the metaphor that Israel has imposed abaasskap Apartheid upon the Arabs, whose lands Israel illegally occupies. Why this charade? Follow the money. The Great Powers view a dominant Israel as a direct threat to their sphere of Influence in the Middle East and North Africa. Great Power propaganda condemns Israel as guilty of establishing bantustans ghettos whereby the Israelis exploit Arab refugee labor on par to how S. Africa racially classified its black Untermensch populations. As if Israel following the Shoah had replace Hitler! The gross stupidity of this vile comparison, it measures up with the Xtian belief that 40 days following the revelation of the Name of HaShem @ Sinai, that Israel worshiped a golden calf named אלהים, “who took them out of Egypt”.

      Israel fought 10 Islamic nations to truly gain independence › watch › v=tIgjU0Pri14

      Tarek Fatah correctly points out that the original Palestine Mandate, which the recently post WWI established League of Nations “awarded” to Britain, likewise included the lands of Trans-Jordan. What he fails to mention, the original Palestine Mandate likewise included the land which comprises present day Iraq and Kuwait!

      Saddam justified the invasion of Kuwait based upon this fact – that Kuwait, originally part of the territory of Iraq … as Pakistan – originally part of India. Tarek Fatah claims that the Jews in 1948 confronted 10 Arab armies. Perhaps, but these Arabs “serfs”, the Great Powers dominated and ruled these non Independent Arab lands as the Ottoman empire fell into chaos and decay. By the 19th Century, the European powers referred to the Ottoman empire by the term of contempt: “The Sick Man of Europe”.

      The Ottoman empire in the 19th Century, its status as a world power compares to the 2nd tier status which England and France, Germany how much more so … following the Second World War. These Arab “countries” existed as subject populations on par with the Jews in British Palestine! Britain artificially created and established the borders of Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait. British interests deprive Iraq of possessing a descent deep water port! It purposely unilaterally chopped of Kuwait from Iraq like it created Trans-Jordan.

      The Cheney\Bush illegal invasion of Iraq to restore Kuwait independence has everything to due with Great Power politics whereby the imperialist nations determine the borders of countries across the Middle East. Herein explains the interests of the Great Power “Two State Solution” in the name of Peace. Carving up the Jewish state and Capital City into two hostile states promises “Peace”, like declaring a Golden Calf took Israel out of Egypt. How come the Xtian church foists this complete and utter narishkeit for 2000+ years? Church interests center upon name of JeZeus. The Poop of Rome combined with the “opposing” Protestantism pastors, they have no interest to worship the Name of HaShem as revealed in the opening Commandment of Sinai. Xtianity, like Islam, and all Goyim religions – one and all worship other Gods.


  7. Bonjour
    Mon petit passage du jour pour venir te dire bonjour, j y dépose ma petite image pleine de bonheur pour réchauffer ton cœur pour passer une agréable journée…
    Amitié bise Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

  8. History: the study of past dead generations vs. Prophetic mussar – the rebuke to all generations living.

    The Hebrew T’NaCH includes Torah Prophets and Holy Writings. The relationship of the Holy Writings to the Torah and Prophets compares to the relationship the Gemarah of the Talmud has with the Mishna. The T’NaCH does not include any Books of History as the alien Xtian biblical classifications falsely assumes.

    The T’NaCH does not teach History but rather prophetic mussar. Big/HUGE error in basic T’NaCH scholarship. Mussar defines the concept of all T’NaCH prophesy. Prophets did not foretell the future, predicting the future falls under mysticism like as found in the Book of Daniel or the tumah witchcraft abomination which worships a female God. By absolute contrast, prophetic mussar applies equally to all generations of bnai brit Israel! Only bnai brit Israel has a sworn oath-brit-alliance with HaShem. The Xtian Bible and Muslim Koran – both fail to bring even once – the name of HaShem – as revealed in the 1st Commandment of Sinai!

    The Talmud views the stories in the T’NaCH NOT as history but rather prophetic mussar. The “Aggadita” communicated within the first Book of בראשית, all these Torah characters teach prophetic mussar. RATHER than physical notions of historical reality. The Aggaditic stories from Adam, Noach, the Avot and the children of Israel who descend unto Egyptian g’lut — all these personages communicate Aggadita mussar stories, not the history of the people of Israel. The story of Israel enslaved in Egypt by Par’o and redeemed by Moshe — also strictly & only an Aggadita mussar nonliteral story. These mussar nonliteral stories, they serve as the basis by which Israelites forged the unique culture and customs which form & shape the collective souls of the Jewish people – our identities of self – as a people distinct and separated from all other peoples on this Earth.

    The T’NaCH Aggadic mussar stories, they do not define Jewish ancient history. Rather these codifications, they both describe and define, the cultures and customs developed by an ancient people – known today as the Jewish people. A people do not develop their identifying cultures and customs out of thin air. This most essential fact, it does not “convert” the Hebrew T’NaCH literature into a collection of history books as the biblical and korah scholars claim. That the authors and framers of these collection of T’NaCH Books, despite written a long time ago … the k’vanna of all these aggadic works contained within T’NaCH literature – T’NaCH aggadic mussar stories, do NOT communicate concrete actual histories of ancient Israel.

    This subtle distinction of k’vanna/intent\ separates Torah faith, day and night: from Xtian and Muslim avoda zarah Av tumah faiths. The latter “holy” (a pun) books absolutely depend upon and requires concrete depictions of physical history. Abstract aggadic mussar has absolutely no meaning or purpose in the Creeds and theologies espoused by all avoda zarah belief systems. Xtianity cannot exist without a physical Jesus. Rava, a later Amorah Gemarah sage, he expresses a totally opposing idea to the false history parameters set by the preachers of avoda zarah – – Rava refers to Job only as an imaginary man!

    This warp/weft: concrete/physical vs. abstract\emotional – Talmudic “loom” – it weaves the fabric of all Talmudic literature, which always separates concrete realist halacha, from its opposing abstract emotional/aggadic feelings. This distinct division within and throughout the whole of the Talmud, it fundamentally defines how the Sages perceived the relationship between Torah commandments. vs.Torah common law/משנה תורה. The New Testament fiction which pretends to depict the imaginary man Jesus as God, and the actual character, the agent provocateur the Apostle Paul, both this & that errs to make the most essential of distinctions between Jewish Oral Torah common law contrasted by Roman statute law.

    Obviously, the translation of the ancient Hebrew prophetic mussar texts have greatly interested many alien outsiders, foreign Goyim scholars who never cut an oath sworn alliance with HaShem. The hard fact, that Goyim scholarship ignores the Order and organization of the Torah, known as פ/chapter and ס\sub-chapter (פרק\סוגיה). This gross error, arrogant Biblical foreign translators, who unilaterally presume that they possess a mandate to impose a completely different Order and organization upon the Torah & NaCH literature. This foolishness compares to the UN who assumes that they possess a protectorate mandate over Israel which gives them the legal right (international law) to determine the international borders of the Jewish state of Israel, together with the determination of the Capital of Israel! The numbered Chapters and verses made throughout their biblical perversions, defines the arrogance and ignorance of Xtian biblical scholarship throughout history. The pius fools remain totally oblivious, that changing the Order and structure of the T’NaCH compares to GOD vs. DOG.

    This Goyification of the Hebrew T’NaCH likewise prioritizes the history of a theology which declares biblical characters as actual real-life historical persons. At the same time, this perversion totally and completely ignores prophetic mussar expressed through Aggadic abstract emotions, expressed throughout all T’NaCH literature! This foreign European viewpoint, it has shaped and defined the avoda zarah of both Xtianity and Islam. The falsification of ancient Hebrew culture and customs into artificial “actual” history, artificially created, a physical history narrative that never actually lived nor existed; this tumah corruption of the T’NaCH, it has changed and degraded & defiled the mussar message within the whole of the T’NaCH, throughout the entire history of Xtianity and Islamic avoda zarah.

    Church arrogance, throughout its entire history, therefore, views the Talmud with extreme hostility. The Talmudic sages who read the T’NaCH as prophetic mussar/aggadita. Who separate and distinguishe between abstract tohor vs. concrete tumah middot “spirits” (lust for a woman, for example, represents a tumah emotion), this most basic and fundamental T’NaCH mussar, the church fathers have utterly despised, discounted, and ignored. Hebraic prophetic mussar simply does not fit into their ‘Good News’ narrative. Which the New Testament proponents throughout history have actively desired to preach & promote across the world.

    Therefore, the church fathers in total derision of how the Jewish refugee people, the developed our customs, cultures and traditions that shaped and defined by both T’NaCH and Talmud. These evil most wicked church fathers, they preferred to deny the existence of all Oral Torah common law; linked to prophetic mussar, by means of the Aggadic portions within the Talmud. According to the פרדס kabbalah as taught by Rabbi Akiva, and all the sages within the Talmud. The corrupt church fathers simply chose to burn the Talmud, as did the Nazis, rather than consider or objectively weigh the essential perspective taught by Jewish Torah Talmudic scholars.

    Starting with the Apostle Paul, Goyim religious leaders, authorities, and scholars condemned any attempt to “Judaize” Xtianity, as this threatened their false messiah narrative; their Creed based belief systems & theologies. The early church leadership emphatically rejected inclusion of their Creed based theologies as having any part with the cursed Christ killers. They rejected any attempt categorize Xtianity as being just another Jewish heretical subset within Jewish culture and traditions. The church therefore strove to develop its own unique set of cultures and traditions, which shapes the different European civilizations and societies of Europe & Russia; or until the Shoah abomination obliterated the good name of their false religion.

    The western notions of history define box thinking. The west simply refuses to acknowledge that life and reality exist outside of their silly theological creed boxes. This Catholic Church called this type of box thinking stupidity ‘church dogma’. The Inquisition banned publication of Galileo’s works on astronomy because it challenged church dogma. Western science and medicine compared with this silly worthless hidebound dogmatism merits deep consideration.


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