A Response to Northeastern Jewish Studies Blog@

Flour and Torah

By Lori Hope Lefkovitz.

Lori Hope Lefkovitz, the Ruderman Professor of Jewish Studies, directs the Northeastern Humanities Center and the Jewish Studies Program at Northeastern University. The founding director of Kolot: The Center for Jewish Women and Gender Studies, the first such center at a rabbinical seminary.

Her article opens with a quote from Pirkei Avot 17:3: Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah said: Where there is no Torah, there is no right conduct; where there is no right conduct, there is no Torah. Where there is no wisdom there is no fear of God; where there is no fear of God, there is no wisdom. Where there is no understanding, there is no knowledge; where there is no knowledge, there is no understanding. Where there is no bread, there is no Torah; where there is no Torah, there is no bread.

Let’s define some of the key terms of this passage from Avot. Right conduct refers to the concept known as derech eretz, a complex idea whereby this tractate of the Mishna defines prophesy, as meaning: mussar. Mussar has the meaning of: awareness of the finger of HaShem within our lives. Prophets to not foretell the future – this tuma represents a form of witchcraft. Prophets mussar commandments seek to give direction to the Yatzir Ha’Tov within the Cohen peoples’ hearts in our struggle with our Esau nature, commonly known as Satan or Yatzir Ha’Rah. Clearly the Torah concept of Satan diverges completely from the European Goyim religions who view Satan as the Devil who rebelled against God, and got cast into Hell.

Avot likewise teaches that derech ertetz precedes the Torah. Meaning the entire revelation of the Torah at Sinai, it stands upon the foundation of mussar: the awareness of HaShem within our lives. Naturally if Israel stood at Sinai and their hearts compared unto Par’o, at the time of the splitting of the Sea of Sof, then Israel could not have accepted the Torah at Sinai!

The next דיוק made by the quoted passage from Avot: wisdom and fear of G-d. Wisdom stands apart from knowledge. Wisdom compares to a person who acquires a skill by constant repetition of that labor. Like a brick layer. Laying brick with precision and speed qualifies as a “Chochmah/wisdom”. A person repeats a work over and again and attains a mastery. Open any Book of the Talmud, you will see on every page 4 lines of Rashi & Tosafot commentaries above the first line of the Mishna or Gemara. This organization of every page of the Talmud – likewise comes from Avot 1:1 – Moshe received the Torah at Sinai and transmitted it to Yehoshua, and Yehoshua to the elders, and the elders to the prophets, and the prophets to the men of the Great Assembly. Moshe repeated the instruction of the Torah no less than 4 times. Hence every page within the Talmud has 4 lines of Rashi and Tosafot commentaries above the opening line of the Talmud – a reference to Avot 1:1.

Fear of G-d, refers to a person who strives to build a good reputation: Baal Shem Tov. A man can work his entire life to build a good reputation and one silly/foolish act can destroy that good name. Something like a catholic priest who secretly rapes little choir boys. Or christian hate propaganda which maligns Jews as the spawn of Satan and the Nazis base their murder of Jews which resulted in the Shoah upon the some 2000 years of the christian message of hate. An evil eye and an evil tongue, they both accomplish the same effect, simply they employ different senses of the body, whereby they encourage others to hate and despise some targeted others. Once had a girl friend who referred to this plague, she called such people who practice this type of behavior: “psychic drains”. Other people understand that term as a type of energy sickness, how we can feel sick and even have some symptoms from being energetically depleted. Europeans did not just wake up one day and decide to murder 75% of all Jews in Europe, and do this crime in less than 4 years.

The reputation of European society as 1st world has collapsed as a consequence to the Shoah crimes against humanity. Post WW2 all the mighty empires of Europe collapsed. The sun set upon the British empire. Europeans now bear the name: crude barbarians, peoples who have no culture, dignity, or respect. Actions have their consequences. Cowards love to point blame fingers at others, but the systematic murder of European Jewry could not have occurred had Hitler not had willing helpers. The Allies new of the death camps and refused to bomb the rail lines. Almost all countries across the planet closed their doors to Jews seeking asylum refuge. The Chamberlain appeasement – two state solution of Czechoslavakia – destroyed that nation prior to the world war. Britain imposed a two state solution upon India, and 5 major wars ensued. Europe demands a two state solution on the Jewish state, that Israel surrender its amazing victory of the June 1967 Six Day War. Irregardless that to divide the Jewish state would result in total ruin of the Jewish state! Europe would happily occupy Israel, like the Nazi’s occupied Czechoslavakia in 1938!

The next דיוק/inference distinguishes understanding from knowledge. The Talmud defines understanding as development of the ability to discern like from like; to learn a matter in the midst of another matter. Knowledge compares to simple rote learning; children possessing the ability to repeat verbatim, word for word what they have learned. The quoted passage of Avot then returns full circle and compares Torah to bread. Eating bread requires vigorous mastication; something like ruminant animals. Ruminants, as a point of observation, they all have 4 stomachs!

Chag Shevuoth culminates the counting of the Omer. Previously my commentary addressed the k’vanna of counting the Omer. The Omer makes a דיוק on removing the chametz prior to Pesach. The search to remove chametz (leavened bread) serves as a משל, which teaches the נמשל of removing avoda zara from our lives. Comparable to La’van searching the Tents of Yaacov in search of his stolen god. Learning by means of applying a logical דיוק\inference essentially defines the concept of משל\נמשל. Wisdom and understanding stand apart and opposite of simple rote knowledge. The latter exists as passively acquired information. Whereas the former most essentially requires an active “awareness”, comparable to mussar, to discern the “black fire from the white fire”. The developed photograph from its negative sheet of transparent film images. Something like male and female bolt & nuts. The zivug couple of Pesach/Shevuoth contrasts slaves leaving Egypt to the free Cohen nation in possession of the awareness to accept the revelation of HaShem into our lives for all generations which our people live on the face of this earth – by all generations swearing the oath brit of נעשה ונשמע. We will do and hear: what does this oath mean? The Cohen nation accepts full responsibility for both the blessing (the 1st commandment) and the curse (the 2nd commandment). All the rest of the Torah commandments serve as simply a commentary to these opening first two commandments which all generations of Israel have a Torah obligation to accept.

Lori Hope Lefkovitz makes reference to the concept of the רמח”ל, Rabbi Luzzatto kabbalah of the Moshiach commonly known as “tikkun olam”, a term which has the same definition as derech eretz, meaning emotional maturity. New babies, by definition have never developed the wisdom of derech eretz. Slaves coming out of Egypt compare to new babies. The mussar of the revelation of derech eretz, of HaShem within our lives, defines fear of heaven and Torah wisdom.

6 thoughts on “A Response to Northeastern Jewish Studies Blog@

  1. Hi Lori Hope…very interesting and comprehensive overview you laid out here. I’m far from any expert but I think I have some truth in my mind and heart. So I want to start by saying I never hated Jews though I could have had some bad impressions over the years from misrepresentation of the historical facts or even media propaganda and my needing to learn more. But ignorance is no excuse either for breaking any laws nor should it be in having any blanket concept of any person or group of them, when the truth is one really doesn’t know about or have all of the facts; imagine if trials were conducted in such a way as using a bit of innuendo or rumor; a lynch mob mentality! But Jews were no doubt targeted and vilified by other peoples and that is absolutely abhorrent and immoral to me. I have Jews in my family tree through marriage and I was born in a Jewish hospital, delivered by a fine Jewish doctor; eventually as a young adult to be dying from an illness or odd disorder when I returned to that same hospital; and was saved by another fine Jewish doctor who saw the problem immediately that a few others doctors had missed at other hospital ER’s.

    As I have said I’m far from being any expert or well enough versed in all the history or struggles of the Jewish people; but I wonder if many Europeans and others around the globe have some deep rooted predisposition toward all Jews that is tainted or even poisoned by the warped thinking that Jews were directly involved in the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who was indeed a Jew and according to Christian teachings the Messiah, which some Jews of the time rejected and allowed him to be murdered based on their say so. To me I don’t think Jews in general did that, it was the conspiracy by a group of Pharisees and the Roman government at the time to control the masses, and keep everyone following the status-quo, sort of the same thing we see now around the globe with this NWO reset fake pandemic that is quite diabolical and pure evil as I see it; while the masses mostly cooperate and follow instructions and lies. I recall how as Jesus carried His cross at one point collapsing a Jew Simon was ordered to help him; so a Jew carried that cross with Jesus.

    Now I’m convinced, and believe Jesus was and is who He claimed to be and much prophecy correlates that assessment combined with much historical evidence. But, I don’t feel I should reject Jews for not seeing things in this matter as I do and can only hope and pray that we all will be on the same page and know all the Truth at some point. In the meantime there isn’t any reason not to get along and be totally cooperative. Not enemies at all; but friends, brothers and sisters who may have a big disagreement but we are made from the same basic elements and are just as human as one another! I do believe there are those horribly maligned persons in the world that are looking to pick fights and truly hate another group of people and want to destroy, which to me can only be coming from the most evil force in the universe, and to me that is Satan, or if we can call it the fulfillment of the most egregious sin that can dwell in any human heart which is poisoned and corrupted.
    You really have me thinking and that is always a good thing, so thank you for your very forthright and intelligent insights here and I will continue to seek the plain but whole Truth in this and all things.
    God bless. Amen.
    Lawrence Morra III

    Liked by 2 people

    1. chavalah Chava’s Footsteps@WordPress, her blog introduces: “Jewish Erasure and Podcasts About Israeli and Palestinian Literature

      This blog addresses a particular thorny issue: Quote/UnQuote: “To be honest, I didn’t stop to think that there could be different types of colonialism. “Settler colonialism,” according to historians.org, is when “large numbers of settlers claim the land and become the majority…[with] the disappearance of the original inhabitants.” Oxford Bibliographies takes this further—calling settler colonialism “interlocking forms of oppression, including racism, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy and capitalism,” but Wikipedia points to several recent settler colonialist enterprises that are not white and Eurocentric in nature. The most well-known are, and they include the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Israel.”

      So much propaganda clogs the blogosphere airways – comparable to smog in California.

      Oxford Bibliographies qualify as a reliable trusted authority? Non sense. Britain in the early 1920s defined its League of Nations “Palestine Mandate”, when it unilaterally lopped off Trans-Jordan from its “Palestine mandate territories”, determining the Jordan river as the border between Trans-Jordan and its Palestine mandate territories!

      Following the success of the newly established Jewish State to attain political Independence in 1948, Jordan illegally nationalized the territories within the defunct British Palestine mandate, collectively known as: Samaria – the lands which comprised the ancient 10 tribes who broke away from the kingdom of Yechuda, and called themselves “Israel”. All member states within the UN condemned the Jordanian nationalization of the lands of Samaria as illegal!!

      Chava then argues: Quote/UnQuote: “I’d argue, is that the People of Israel are indigenous to the Land of Israel. This is about more than bible stories; there is archeological evidence and genetic evidence that ties modern-day Jews to the Levant. ”

      The indigenous people’s argument has its roots in Arab and European propaganda. In the 19th Century the majority population of Jerusalem – Jewish refugees which Turkey permitted to “settle” within the city. Political Zionism, late in the 19th Century, established as its primary political goal, to attract a Great Power patron who favored the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine – a paraphrase of the now famous Balfour Declaration. The current issue: “indigenous to the Land of Israel”, did not concern the Theodor Herzl, nor his political Zionist supporters in the least. Herzl held that the diseased European mind – its hatred of Jews – had no cure. That the only way for Jews of Europe to deal with mass European cultural insanity, for Jews to leave Europe all together and re-establish a Jewish State.

      The Shoah has definitively proven Herzl’s analysis of the European mentality as clinically insane – as absolutely correct. Europeans condemn Jewish settlement of the lands of Samaria. Why? Because the diseased European mind remains clinically insane. Hitler and the Nazis defined the norm for Europe’s inherent mental disorder to the present day. How else can we explain, the systematic murder of European Jewry by Europeans?!

      It shocked Europe in general and Britain in particular that post Shoah Jewry won our War of Independence, that Jewish warriors defeated five Arab armies who invaded Israel on the same day that David Ben-Gurion named the newly declared Jewish State – Israel. Britain’s imperialist interests favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine, based upon the assumption made by 10 Downing Street that Jews would better serve the British colonial empire in the Middle East than would Arabs. This assumption proved itself correct. The Mufti of Jerusalem threw his support behind Hitler and the Nazis during WW2.

      Never did 10 Downing Street stuffed shirts assume that Jews would make British rule within the League of Nations Palestine Mandate completely and totally untenable. Never did any arrogant fool of any British Government assume that Jewish war against British rule in the Middle East would force London to return their “Palestine Mandate” back to the post WW2 newly established United Nations.

      Shock and dismay followed one after another. In 1956 Britain and France made an alliance with Tel Aviv. Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, his nationalization of the Suez Canal greatly offended the European powder heads of State. The hoped to conceal their imperial aggression against Egyptian Independence and political autonomy by supporting a general Arab-Israeli war. Washington and Moscow spanked the bottoms of British and French imperialist presumptions till they bled from their noses.

      Then came the shock of shocks, Israel defeated Nasser’s attempt to negate the 1948 Israeli Independence War victory, only to discover that his army lacked the skill required to throw the Jews into the Sea. Jordan, who in 1948 illegally seized lands included within the British Palestine mandate territories, promptly lost those stolen lands after the King of Jordan’s war against the Jews turned into a rout; Israel reconquer the stolen lands of Samaria. Yet France led the EU charge, that Israel must return and denounce its June War defensive victory! Mental insanity caused European minds to pop, and the UN introduced the deranged UN Resolution known as 242.

      Since 1967 virtually all European governments have demanded from Israel that it abandon and acknowledge its rightful place, those insufferable Jews must admit their defeat in the June 1967 war! Should Jews dare to live and build homes within the borders of the Palestine Mandate as determined by the League of Nations, that such Jews, they violate international law! Just who determines this “international law”? This question has no clear answer. Only that the Jews, according to the diseased minds occupying European Capitals, that Jewish settlers living within the borders of their own country, that such Jews threaten with their mere presence — the peace of the World. That the whole world could explode into a 3rd World War because Jews live, settle, and develop their own homelands.

      So the question stands: Who hates and despises the Jewish people more: Hitler and his Nazi thugs or European governments today? Hitler, at least he declared his hatred forthwith. But the current two faced insanity whereby Europe pretends that they do not continue to hate Jews, all the while, these same governments do everything in their power to promote hostile agenda’s which favor the destruction of the Jewish state. Europe loves to hate Jews. It simply cannot abide the existence of a Jewish state, which by its existence has terminated the Jewish refugee status which the Roman empire established. Especially when the religion of Europe for the last 2000 years stands totally disgraced following the Shoah. It galls Europeans that, based upon their religion, that they now live as refugee populations – waiting for the 2nd Coming of Jesus son of Zeus.


  2. Lawrence greetings. Am in the process of writing a commentary to the Talmud. The only part of Ms. Lefkovitz’s article which I brought and quoted, her quote from Pirkei Avot 17:3, and an explanation of the source of tikkun olam from the kabbala of the רמח”ל. The Torah concept of Moshiach learns from the anointing of Aaron and his children as Cohanim. A dedication by definition requires a specific intent. For instance, if a person dedicates an animal sacrifice as a burnt offering, that person cannot thereafter dedicate that same animal for a sin offering or trespass offering.

    Moshiach from the rabbis/דררנן learns from the prophet Samuel. That prophet first anointed Saul as Moshiach. But king Saul failed to understand the order of priority: in matters of holiness first obedience and second sacrifices – and not the reverse. HaShem rejected the house of Saul as Moshiach for his failure to understand this key distinction.

    Later when the prophet Samuel anointed David and his House as Moshiach, the anointing of David stands in the shadow of the rejected House of Saul. The Torah refers to Israel as a “kingdom of priests”, the Hebrew word for priests/Cohanim. The sages of the Talmud teach that tefilla (commonly mistranslated as “prayer”) stands in the stead of korbanot/sacrifices. This teaching understands the term “kingdom of Cohanim” as inclusive of the entire nation of Israel. Tefilla stands opposed by prayer.

    By the terms of the brit faith, the Spirit of HaShem lives within the hearts of the Cohen nation. Whereas prayer prayed to some God(s) who dwells in the Heavens. Furthermore, and this qualifies as an essential distinction which separates tefilla from prayer, something like oil and water, tefilla most essentially defined as the dedication of tohor middot. Tohor middot define the concept, which Moshe the prophet orally heard at Mt. Horev – 40 days after the sin of the Golden Calf – known as Oral Torah.

    Christian prayer denies the value and even the existence of the Oral Torah revelation at Mt Horev. Consequently prayer, by definition does not dedicate to HaShem tohor middot. To what does this fundamental distinction compare? To the slaughter of a sacrificial animal by pneumatic hammer, rather than by the Torah commandment which requires slaughter by way of shechitah. Belgium bans the slaughter of animals today by the kosher laws of shechitah.


  3. Shabbot Shalom from Israel: חי ובריות. רמז וברית

    Israel, the Cohen nation. A רמז: words within words. A key סוד of the language of Hebrew. שרשים\verb roots. Learn through the discipline of דיוקים\inferences. The sh’itta of Oral Torah logic. קדש, for example: the 3 letter root verb derive opposing opposites קדוש/holy – חברה קדיש vs. דברים פרק כג פסוק יח – קדישה\prostitute. The wisdom of סוד rather than words within words as the sh’itta of רמז learns, words too possess the power to produce polar opposite meanings, while sharing the exact same שרש\root. This בראשית of the Hebrew language ראש בית … ב’ ראשית, communicates through this unique style and logical format. פרדס kabbala, taught by Rabbi Akiva and all the rabbis within the pages of the Talmud — no dispute. That’s the polar opposite of the Talmud as a whole which stands upon the יסוד of disputes over the closeness of a brought precedent whereby a person can make a depth analysis of the specific case of the Mishna.

    Every sugia of Gemara attaches to a specific Case language of the Mishna which that Gemara comments upon. Chakma of learning, by the sh’itta of the Baali Tosafot – the grand children of Rashi – just as the rabbis of the Gemara, known or referred to by the title Amoraim – learn with a Big Picture overview of bringing a precedent from some other Primary source, found within the purview of the Mishna and Sifre Sifra Mechilta, and tosephta Primary Sources which function and most essentially serve as precedents of law. Herein defines the sh’itta of the Tosafot of understanding how the Gemara learns the Mishna.

    The Rashi sh’itta of פשט\p’shat stands diametrically opposite and different compared to the Rashi sh’itta of פשט\p’shat on the Talmud. Why? And equally important, How?, does Rashi employ 2 sh’ittot in the shadow of the sh’itta which all the Tannaim (rabbis included in the Mishna) and all the Amoraim (rabbis included in the Gemara) learn the Torah with only one sh’itta and never two sh’ittot as does Rashi! The elephant in the china closet. The first and most immediate question which requires an answer.

    Answer: Rashi refused to reveal to the church enemies of the Jewish people, specifically the priests of Rome, how to employ Torah wisdom to learn the Talmud. The Rashi פשט learned on the Chumash teaches the פרדס kabbala of Rabbi Akiva, and therefore that commentary passes down the masoret of the intent of the Framers of the Mishna and Gemarah – how those rabbis understood the Torah Sh’Baal Peh logic system. The commentary of the Talmud, by contrast, limits its instruction to teach how to correctly read a very complex text. But the jurisprudence of Judean Common law most emphatically does not learn by reading law books! The sh’itta of every line on every page of the Talmud – the discipline of understanding the required דיוק\inference.

    Consequently, the Rashi commentary on the Chumash, that sh’itta of learning goes hand in hand with the Baali Tosafot sh’itta of introducing Primary source outside sources, just as does the Gemara’s sh’itta of difficulty\answer which defines the methodology of Amoraic learning on the Mishna. Awareness of the finger of HaShem in our lives defines all Prophetic mussar commandments. The discipline wisdom of weaving prophetic mussar understood and defined ie פשט\p’shat, which the ritual halachic practices developed as the eternal cultural masoret of the Cohen nation passed down as a living inheritance to all generations of the brit family created through the mitzva of קידושין\marriage unto the stars in the heavens.

    A fundamental challenge which assimilated Jews, who accept and embrace Goyim customs, they favor Civil marriages that have no קידושין oath alliance. Assimilation defines the 2nd Commandment of the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. The Cohen nation: billions of Goyim live and thrive across the world. The Cohen nation but very few. The Yatzir of tuma, within the hearts of every Cohen person within the chosen nation, directly breaths the Angel of Esau which Yaacov too wrestles. Torah teaches spirituality NOT history. Live and breath tohor middot – this defines the chosen Cohen nation blessing for all human beings living on the Planet Earth for ever. Who Vs. Who accepts this blessing with an אמן אל מלך נאמן אמן אמן אמן, the prophet rebuked the king who only jumped upon the arrows three times. Rashi tefillen testify: the oath brit we swear learned from the oath brit of Gilgal in the days of the prophet Yehoshua, the head talmid of Moshe our Teacher: IF: we breath tohor middot pronouns which measure the meaning and k’vanna of the Name HaShem ….. THEN the Spirit Name of HaShem judges the Gods whom our Goyim enemies worship\Israel prevails and wins all the wars we fight with Goyim for ever and unto all eternity for all generations. IF: we breath tuma middot pronouns which curse the k’vanna of Name of HaShem … THEN the wars we fight with Goyim based upon the specific measurement known as g’lut\exile, the Goyim stand upon our heads victorious.

    Herein defines the meaning of accepting the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. But this black fire stands opposed by the דיוק white fire. All T’NaCH prophets and their talmidim for eternity, they all command mussar; the wisdom of acquiring an awareness of the finger of HaShem within our lives and the lives of our children – brit. The ritual observances which the Talmud recognizes as the definitive cultures and customs practiced by the Judean society prior to the g’lut\exile by the Romans ie. masoret/tradition.

    This inheritance of masoret all generations of the Cohen people can choses to accept and embrace the status of the chosen first born son. The obligation to sanctify doing avodat HaShem. This obligation learns from the oath sworn by the prophet Yehoshua at Sh’Cem – the place where the brothers of Josef sold not just their brother but themselves and their children upon the shoals of the Torah curse – g’lut. Josef, contrasts with the prophet Moshe, he did not bless the family of Israel as did Yaacov and Moshe. Herein explains why the Talmud teaches that Yosef did not give מחילה\pardon to his brothers.

    Yaacov swore an oath unto Yitzak: “cause me to inherit the oath brit which HaShem and Avraham swore to one another; teach me the oath you swore to the Spirit Name HaShem (Yitzak remembered the command Sarah commanded Avraham to expel Hagar and Ishmael, that only her son Yitzak would inherit the oath brit chosen Cohen first born faith), whereby you obligated upon yourself and your chosen Cohen seed to do and keep commandments. And I swear (tetea, sh’varim, tru’ah) to command by chosen first born Cohen seed to Bless the nation of Israel for ever and to all generations.

    The return oath, which Avram swore in the Spirit Name of HaShem (tetea, sh’varim, tru’ah) that this Spirit Name would live within the chosen Cohen seed for all generations unto eternity…the basic k’vanna required to da’aven the Shemone Esri, to accept the Cohen blessing, and to bear the yoke of the oath brit sworn by the Avot, One with yourself; as expressed in the word ONE, in the p’suk\verse of kre’a shma. Breath remembrance of the oaths sworn by the Avot … the blessing of the קדש Spirit of life fills your heart and soul.


  4. chavalah Chava’s Footsteps@WordPress, her blog introduces: “Jewish Erasure and Podcasts About Israeli and Palestinian Literature

    This blog addresses a particular thorny issue: Quote/UnQuote: “To be honest, I didn’t stop to think that there could be different types of colonialism. “Settler colonialism,” according to historians.org, is when “large numbers of settlers claim the land and become the majority…[with] the disappearance of the original inhabitants.” Oxford Bibliographies takes this further—calling settler colonialism “interlocking forms of oppression, including racism, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy and capitalism,” but Wikipedia points to several recent settler colonialist enterprises that are not white and Eurocentric in nature. The most well-known are, and they include the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Israel.”

    So much propaganda clogs the blogosphere airways – comparable to smog in California.

    Oxford Bibliographies qualify as a reliable trusted authority? Non sense. Britain in the early 1920s defined its League of Nations “Palestine Mandate”, when it unilaterally lopped off Trans-Jordan from its “Palestine mandate territories”, determining the Jordan river as the border between Trans-Jordan and its Palestine mandate territories!

    Following the success of the newly established Jewish State to attain political Independence in 1948, Jordan illegally nationalized the territories within the defunct British Palestine mandate, collectively known as: Samaria – the lands which comprised the ancient 10 tribes who broke away from the kingdom of Yechuda, and called themselves “Israel”. All member states within the UN condemned the Jordanian nationalization of the lands of Samaria as illegal!!

    Chava then argues: Quote/UnQuote: “I’d argue, is that the People of Israel are indigenous to the Land of Israel. This is about more than bible stories; there is archeological evidence and genetic evidence that ties modern-day Jews to the Levant. ”

    The indigenous people’s argument has its roots in Arab and European propaganda. In the 19th Century the majority population of Jerusalem – Jewish refugees which Turkey permitted to “settle” within the city. Political Zionism, late in the 19th Century, established as its primary political goal, to attract a Great Power patron who favored the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine – a paraphrase of the now famous Balfour Declaration. The current issue: “indigenous to the Land of Israel”, did not concern the Theodor Herzl, nor his political Zionist supporters in the least. Herzl held that the diseased European mind – its hatred of Jews – had no cure. That the only way for Jews of Europe to deal with mass European cultural insanity, for Jews to leave Europe all together and re-establish a Jewish State.

    The Shoah has definitively proven Herzl’s analysis of the European mentality as clinically insane – as absolutely correct. Europeans condemn Jewish settlement of the lands of Samaria. Why? Because the diseased European mind remains clinically insane. Hitler and the Nazis defined the norm for Europe’s inherent mental disorder to the present day. How else can we explain, the systematic murder of European Jewry by Europeans?!

    It shocked Europe in general and Britain in particular that post Shoah Jewry won our War of Independence, that Jewish warriors defeated five Arab armies who invaded Israel on the same day that David Ben-Gurion named the newly declared Jewish State – Israel. Britain’s imperialist interests favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine, based upon the assumption made by 10 Downing Street that Jews would better serve the British colonial empire in the Middle East than would Arabs. This assumption proved itself correct. The Mufti of Jerusalem threw his support behind Hitler and the Nazis during WW2.

    Never did 10 Downing Street stuffed shirts assume that Jews would make British rule within the League of Nations Palestine Mandate completely and totally untenable. Never did any arrogant fool of any British Government assume that Jewish war against British rule in the Middle East would force London to return their “Palestine Mandate” back to the post WW2 newly established United Nations.

    Shock and dismay followed one after another. In 1956 Britain and France made an alliance with Tel Aviv. Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein, his nationalization of the Suez Canal greatly offended the European powder heads of State. The hoped to conceal their imperial aggression against Egyptian Independence and political autonomy by supporting a general Arab-Israeli war. Washington and Moscow spanked the bottoms of British and French imperialist presumptions till they bled from their noses.

    Then came the shock of shocks, Israel defeated Nasser’s attempt to negate the 1948 Israeli Independence War victory, only to discover that his army lacked the skill required to throw the Jews into the Sea. Jordan, who in 1948 illegally seized lands included within the British Palestine mandate territories, promptly lost those stolen lands after the King of Jordan’s war against the Jews turned into a rout; Israel reconquer the stolen lands of Samaria. Yet France led the EU charge, that Israel must return and denounce its June War defensive victory! Mental insanity caused European minds to pop, and the UN introduced the deranged UN Resolution known as 242.

    Since 1967 virtually all European governments have demanded from Israel that it abandon and acknowledge its rightful place, those insufferable Jews must admit their defeat in the June 1967 war! Should Jews dare to live and build homes within the borders of the Palestine Mandate as determined by the League of Nations, that such Jews, they violate international law! Just who determines this “international law”? This question has no clear answer. Only that the Jews, according to the diseased minds occupying European Capitals, that Jewish settlers living within the borders of their own country, that such Jews threaten with their mere presence — the peace of the World. That the whole world could explode into a 3rd World War because Jews live, settle, and develop their own homelands.

    So the question stands: Who hates and despises the Jewish people more: Hitler and his Nazi thugs or European governments today? Hitler, at least he declared his hatred forthwith. But the current two faced insanity whereby Europe pretends that they do not continue to hate Jews, all the while, these same governments do everything in their power to promote hostile agenda’s which favor the destruction of the Jewish state. Europe loves to hate Jews. It simply cannot abide the existence of a Jewish state, which by its existence has terminated the Jewish refugee status which the Roman empire established. Especially when the religion of Europe for the last 2000 years stands totally disgraced following the Shoah. It galls Europeans that, based upon their religion, that they now live as refugee populations – waiting for the 2nd Coming of Jesus son of Zeus.


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